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Epitome (plural Epitomes or epitomai)
  1. (of a class of items) The embodiment or encapsulation of.
  2. (of a class of items) A representative example.
  3. (of a class of items) The height; the best.
  4. (of a written document) A brief summary.

Synonyms for Epitome

Antonyms for Epitome

antithesis, enlargement, extension, expansion, development, distention, dilation, increase, addition, augmentation, increment.

Derived terms

Related terms


abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgement, abridgment, abstract, antetype, antitype, apocope, archetype, biotype, breviary, brief, capsule, classic example, compend, compendium, compression, condensation, condensed version, conspectus, contraction, criterion, curtailment, digest, draft, elision, ellipsis, embodiment, essence, exemplar, foreshortening, fugleman, fugler, genotype, head, imitatee, last word, lead, mirror, model, original, outline, overview, pandect, paradigm, pattern, personification, precedent, precis, prototype, quintessence, recap, recapitulation, reduction, representative, resume, retrenchment, review, rubric, rule, shortened version, shortening, skeleton, sketch, standard, sum, summary, summation, summing-up, survey, syllabus, syncope, synopsis, telescoping, thumbnail sketch, topical outline, truncation, type, type species, type specimen, typical example, ultimate, urtext
