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the idea that has been taking 3000 years to solve and counting.

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 11:06
by Fed_Up
Alehonelesh yalaT Ethiopia still debating how to be a single country.... 3000 years (even though it is bogus claim) and still counting... 3001...3002...tik...tak...tik....tak...

And woyanus added fuel and ran like chicken to hide under the skirt of stinky agameteytieeeee

You people need “cultural” revolution not “ethnic” or “kilil “ revolution.

I am just saying

Re: the idea that has been taking 3000 years to solve and counting.

Posted: 16 Feb 2020, 11:18
by Fed_Up
There are few agassess kersam with big belly thinks the solution is like.....


With this type mentality.. the 3000 years long unresolved mission will be unattainable. In fact puzzle will be resolved by others by making what left ethiopia .... into pieces mini state.

I am just saying