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We should Condemn US involvement to stop the Nile Dam from being completed!

Posted: 18 Feb 2020, 12:21
by EthioRedSea
The US has published a draft resolution. They are forcing weak Abiy Ahmed to sign ,
which he probably will. Ethiopia should stop any negotiation on Abay River Dam.
Ethiopians should unite on this.
TPLF should overthrow Abiy's Government as they are being tricked by Saudi Arabia and USA.
It is better to go to war than give away our sovereignity over Abay (Nile) River.
A war against Eritrea to control Red Sea might be necessary as Eritrean will be happy to live with Tigayans or Ethiopians.
There should be a government that has the trust of the Nation. Abiy Ahmed Ali does seem to have this trust.