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What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 05 Jun 2020, 06:22

When I say fighting I mean armed struggle using a guerrilla warfare here. That be as it is, the main point is why is OLF-Shane still sticking to its old fashion of fighting, when it is offered the right to wage its fight by means of peaceful struggle?

Is that cheaper? NO. Is that more modern? NO (it is an archaic means by itself). Is it more promising to win? NO. It will take them nowhere, because they are figfhting against a formidable army and at the same time creating enemies against themselves left and right. Do they have any left cause? NO, they claimed at the beginning that they were denied the right to self rule (self-determination) but now an Oromo is in the driver's seat in the national palace and there is no one giving an Order to Oromo with regard to how they should administer their internal affairs.

I tried to contemplate on what could be any rationality of a healthy mind to stick to fighting the old way then, which will bring them to nowhere?

The only thing I could find is that the argument was at the beginning "qeerroo brought the change" (no matter if that is factually correct or not here, for the time being).

Okay let's say that qeerroo brought the change, what are they seeking with the claim then?

Then they turn around and claim "there is no change or the current condition has become worse than the previous condition even", when they wish to criticize the government.

A descent mind can't miss to see the fallacy of these two claims at the same time.

I can go on with listing such confusing claims from the same entity but to make it short and just try to see the logic behind their acclaimed reason to fight in the first place.

The claim is that Oromo was/is enslaved (sometimes colonized, oppressed , marginalized, etc) in the country and as such needed to be liberated. Such claims could be true but then it has to be stressed here that then those on the receiving end were not only the Oromos (by any standard of imaginations ).

If the problem is not peculiar to the Oromos alone, then granted is also a lasting solution can't be sought only on behalf of the Oromos alone.

So, there must be something else that is driving the people, if seen objectively.

With such o bjectivity we can also try to analyse the reason behind the claim of "qeerroo brought the change".

What does it mean? In my understanding it is simply a way of stating the power belongs to them (they have already claimed in fore field that they are the owners of the qeerroo).

In this proposition I see another fallacy of the group, that they claimed before that they are against power grabbing without due consent of the governed, and we didn't see any avenue where qeerroo took over the power by a democratic means.

If it is empirically proven that they are indeed fighting for power grabbing without democratic due processes then their claim that they were fighting for the rights of the Oromo people for over 50 or so years now is also simply a blunder of rule of law and blatant disregard of respect of humanity.

Recently we were told by the authorities in the country that this entity used to be a double agent that should be responsible for the lives of thousands of people, if not millions.

And we will hope that the authorities take their own words into account and bring those responsible to face justice, without a delay, if nothing else.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 05 Jun 2020, 09:09

We also know now why the likes of yabello are frequenting this forum less than they used to before (see the following video).

The blood of the innocent citizens that they caused to spill is coming back and haunting them, finally perhaps.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 05 Jun 2020, 09:30

There is no answer for the question you posed DTT. Even the best minds in OLF cannot spell it out.
I say this , It pains me saying it, even the other Ethiopians say, ok, Oromos go ahead and establish your own “ independent “ country, it is not going to happen. Now, the infighting, the punching bags the Amharas gone, would be exclusively betweeen Oromos flamed out by the same Oromo politicians who talk to death about their wanting having an independent Oromia.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by TGAA » 05 Jun 2020, 10:06

The simple answer to your question is the struggle by those who claiming to represent keero ,s is not to establish a just and democratic society by any starch of imagination. It is upending Ethiopia as it is and creating Ethopia in their Oromo image. To accomplish that a democratic give and take approch wouldn't do. That is the Crux of all the upheaval in Oromo politics. They think Ethiopia needs to moggasiez 16 century style. It is a foolhardy attempt of social engeenaring. These nuckleheads going to bring unnecessary suffering to all Ethipians. At the end though they will fail miserably.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Ethoash » 05 Jun 2020, 10:23

To me not the oromo shane but DDT, SAM AND TGTPLF R the problem

sometime u must be man enough to say if oromo want to break away u should say መንገዱን ጨርቅ ያርግላቹሁ ማለት መቻል አለባቹሁ። ምንግዜም ስትጠራጠሩ ። መለስ በዚህን ግዜ ምን መልስ ይስጣል ብላቹሁ ማስብ አለባቹሁ።

To me only Dr. abiy make the problem big deal.. if Dr. aBiy give the same respect to Shane leader we would not have this problem .... the Shane leader ask was his army to join the regular army and get paid .. look when Johawar come PM give him the king welcome but when the Shane leader come pm told him to be unemployed with out money .. so Shane leader does what he know best using his Gun...

did anyone interviewed Shane leader to know what he really want. if oromo break away how in hell going to work? they are almost surrounded by Ethiopian region they become double landlocked .. i dont think they would be benefited from independent ..even Somalia region cant break away without joining their closest kin... the only one who can break way was Eritrea they have already breakaway the rest of region they just playing idiot .. so why u make it big deal is beyond me.. pls learn to hold poker face...

the best way for Amhara is just mind your Amhara region and make your Amhara region Singapore then only the other will listen to otherwise u r just lay man blind person try to lead in his guiding dog.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Lakeshore » 05 Jun 2020, 11:01

Defend the truth

I agree with your writing 100%. Well written and I can't say it any better. Saying that I just want to add some point. Querro or OLF , FECO these groups preach division rather than unity because they think they can grab power easily if they narrow down the competition from the National level to few regions of Oromo, where they have more chances to deceit the uneducated farmers. As we know most of the rural areas of Ethiopia are uneducated Oromo is not any different. በቆማጣ ቤት ኣንድ ጣት ብርቅ ናት አንደሚባለው they want to be the thinker of the divided or separated Oromo. That is their dream. There is nothing on their manifest showing the next step of governing the Oromo people. Because they do not believe in it themselves that Oromo will be separated. They want the Oromo independence as bargaining cheap to grab power in the current government.

They don't have a vision that shows how to govern if they got independence. what kind of economic policy they will follow, how they will live with their Newbrough's peacefully or they will continue in perpetual war. What is their land reform, policing, education, how to eradicate 90% of illiteracy the list is going on and on? If they were series then they will preach these tangible policies for the Oromo people and they didn't need to fight or terrorize innocent people.

The other point is that some of these groups got some money from other foreign countries like Egypt and Sudan and from internal enemies of Ethiopia like TPLF presently in return for destabilizing the nation.

Last but not list it is known the great number of youth in Ethiopia has no job and Oromia is not any different. This is a very fertile ground to engage the youth. it doesn't need to be intelligent to exploit the desperation of the jobless youth in a destructive way as these groups did. These groups has no idea how to create a job and make the youth productive rather than distractive.

Inconclusion. Querro OLF , FECO, and other separatist groups have no vision, intellect, capability, and willingness to govern the people that they claim to represent OROMOS. sadly, it is a proven fact in our history. For example, during the revolution, the Ethiopian intellectuals spearheaded the revolution but when the reality sets in and sacrifices needed they backed up and the military took power. in the past 20 years, TPLF in coordination with the same groups and the same foreign power perpetuated them to power but since they didn't have a vision, intellect, capability, and willingness to create a democratic government rather they fight for power in the name tigree. The result was chaos and they went back to square one killing their own peoples. These groups are not any different we have seen the same thing in the past 50 years they don't learn or adapt. Their lust for power is so strong they do forget the humiliation they endure under TPLF and wine and dine with them sitting on the blood of the Oromo youth.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Ethoash » 05 Jun 2020, 11:20


what would u do if the OLF FECO, said they want independent ..would u wage war, or u want Dr. Abiy to send an fed..instead of asking what OLF WANT what do u want to be done..

second do u know better then oromo..yes, the oromo population are uneducated but do u know more then them if they vote FOR OLF would u tell them they r mistaken?

i told u the answer if u r an Eritrean u better mind your business
if u r Amhara mind only ur Amhara if u dont like ethnicity dived then make your Amhara state the most welcoming state in Ethiopia and welcome all ethnicity to live and work freely then only u can talk about the oromo

if u want slavery to end in oromia then u must abolish slavery in Amhara region first... now u might tell me there is no slavery in amhara region .. i am just making a point...

no body but the Amhara are dolling their noise in other business otherwise Golden, the oromo, the other they dont care what kind of leader Amhara have what kind of police u guys follow they only mind their own fed government they pay tax

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Ethoash » 05 Jun 2020, 11:38

አቶ ባዶ እግሩ። TGAA, AND LAKESHORE both of u r online come and answer this ..

ምነው ግራ ገባህ። ምነው መልስ ጠፋህ እንዴ። ያልኩህ እኮ በጣም ቀላል ነው በስው ትዳር ገብተህ ከምታቦካ ። የራስ ህን ትዳር ደጋግፈህ ከፍቺ ትረፍ።

እንደው የሚገርመው እኮ ምናባህ ልታመጣ ነው ኦሮሞዎቹ አንተ የምትላቸውን መሀይም ኦሮሞችን ይዘው ገደል ቢገቡ አንተ ልታድናቸው ነው ውይ ። እንዴ በምን ሂሳብ ጦርነት ልትጀምር ነው ። ወይስ በፀባይ ልትጠይቃቸው ነው። እንዳንተ አይነቱ ደደብ ነው በየቦታው ነገር የሚፈልግ።

ትግሬዎች እንዲህ እያስቡ ነው ። ልከን በጦር እንወጋቸው ከኤርትራኖች ጋራ ትላለህ ፈርተህ ግን ተትኸዋል ታዲያ ኦሮሞ የድሮ ኦሮሞ መስለህ በእጃ አዙር ዶክተር አብይን ጦር እንዲልክ ነው ወይ የምትወተውተው ። ኦጋዴን ተሳከልህ እስቲ ኦሮሞ ይሳካልህ እንደሆነ አብረን የምናየው ነው።

እንደው ለናንተ ለማስተማር አብይ ጦር ቢመዝ ጥሩ ነበር እንደ ሶርያ ስንሆን የዛን ግዜ አናንተ ቡዳ አማሮች ትማሩ እንደሆን ብዬ ነው። በስው ነገር አትግቡ ። አለቀ ደቀቀ። እናንተ የራሳች ሁን ግዛት አስተዳድሩ ። ምንም ስለሌላው አያገባቹሁም ። ፈደራል አስተዳደር የሚልሁን ነገር ይግባህ።

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Noble Amhara » 05 Jun 2020, 11:42


Can you tell me why Tigray and Oromo 24/7 are putting there nose into Gonder Affairs why does OMN broadcast Qimant that is Amhara business stay in your Gelada provinces

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Ethoash » 05 Jun 2020, 11:46

Noble Amhara wrote:
05 Jun 2020, 11:42

Can you tell me why Tigray and Oromo 24/7 are putting there nose into Gonder Affairs why does OMN broadcast Qimant that is Amhara business stay in your Gelada provinces
very good point r Qimant r an Amhaa ? i did not know that... this is why i am asking ... anyhow first let lackshoe and TGAAA ANSWER my question why THEY DOLLING their noise in to oromo business...

anyhow TAGG AND LACKSHOER.. will not answer so let me answer your question Ato Nobrain Amhara

now u r admitting that dolling in oromo business is not right because u r only doing it because the oromo also doing the same in Qimant case..

let us look the big picture what would u do if oromo tell u shut the fk up... would u send an army? or u try to fool Dr. Abiy in to sending the army ...r successes in Ogden case would be succeed in oromo case . if Dr. PM SEND FED ARMY TO OROMO would u think the end of Ethiopia do u see the risk..

we have to put aside the Qimant case otherwise it would be to hard for u to handle.. the Qimant case is one years story .. but the Amhara involvement is 150 years old ..

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Lakeshore » 05 Jun 2020, 14:06


I like your passion for your cause but you need to calm down and focus on the subject. Still, you are so agitated and here and there.
Here is how I see your question. You tried to make it obvious that these bloodthirsty groups are representing Orome. That is a huge no! They do not represent Oromo peoples. Most Oromos are like many other Ethiopian are yes oppressed and they are poor. Where do you think these terrorist groups got their weapons, in general, their logistics. It is a known fact that it does not form the poor Oromo people because they do not support them rather afraid of them of course? They are rapist and killer mobs. just to answer that they got it from Egypt, and Sudan and other Arab countries who are enemies of Ethiopia because they perceive Ethiopia as the pearl of Christianity. Therefore, their agenda is not the Oromo people's agenda 100%.
It is imperative that unity is strength.

For example, look at Eritrea ELF?EPLF claimed they were marginalized and fought with the help of Arabs and the west and got their independence. Did I like it, no, but I was hoping they will realize one day that they made a mistake? However, after 20 years of independence still, young Eritrean migrates by thousands everywhere the Economy is not in great shape but their leader realized something after all the emotion and bravado settles down. Unity is more important than division. I admire Isayas because he can reform and learn from his mistakes for the sake of the peoples. on the other hand as Ethiopian, we are more than happy to live with them as a neighbor or united as one country whichever they and the Ethiopian people choose.

The core of modern democracy is based on individual rights. Every individual has the right to choose where to live, who to marry, where to go, and what religion to practice. However, in the federalist platform, there is no individual right that means you should be categorized in a group then and only then you can be heard. That is a problem because certain groups like Quero hijacked and intimidate the people and advance their agenda.

You were saying if the Oromo people choose independent will accept it of course that is the highest form of manifestation of democracy but the catch is it must be the people chose not groups of sell-out or those who have a lust for power. Therefore, before independence, they should explain to the peoples of Oromo their agenda clearly without intimidation. Explain to them what is the benefit of independence, to the people not to the leaders, than being together in this case economic and political benefits based on facts, not the fairy tell Anole story.

Then being an Oromo should be defined clearly. Speaking oromigna does not make somebody an Oromo. You should live with them, share their happiness and sorrow, marry their daughter not rape them drink from their river not bottled highland, and so on. Then those peoples approves yo as their representative then you can raise your independence to the government and the government will not have any ground to deny. So to answer your question yes I will respect the Oromo people decision if they choose to be separated but I do not care what OLF,OFECO, Querro claim because these are the groups currently oppressing the Oromo peoples and use them as a human shield against the government peacekeeping forces. However, history showed us many times people do not get wrong but groups and individuals did.

You also said if you are Amhara, Eritrea or American mind your business. That is the core of your problem. you do not know what democracy means. It is about individual rights so I can be anyone in order to stand for individual rights. For example, Take the case of Floyd the American black man who was killed by racist policemen. peoples in France, Canada, England, even China, and all over the world went out to protest. According to you since they are, not black whites shouldn't protest, since they are not American all the other world shouldn't protest did you see how ridiculous that is i.e Querro policy is.

Even if I am not Oromo I still stand for the Oromo peoples right against any group who tries to oppress them.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 06 Jun 2020, 13:11

I didn't see the content of the following video, when I posted this question yesterday. I did in fact at times question the political view of General Kemal Gelchu before, when I didn't understand him well or simply disagreed with his views.

Here he is compassionate about his experience with the entity I raised my question yesterday about. This entity is denying our people peace and safety and all these just in order for it to grab the state power by an illegitimate means.

It is time now to finally extinguish the fire burning in our people's homes and give it peace and safety.

Put it the fire on our people out, finally!

Sorry for those of you who can't understand Afan Oromo, it is really a very interesting conversation with Gen. Kemal Gelchu.

He also essentially said the government should draw its sword, supporting the suggestion made by Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam before, and extinguish the fire now. This all after trying to work for a better future with an entity that will never lend itself to learn and change to something capable of future, except yearning for power and power. His organisation was part of the so called Gaddisa Dhaaboota Oromiyaa and Coalition of Oromo Political Parties and the likes, he seems now to have exhausted all of his energies and patience with an entity that can never learn.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 06 Jun 2020, 13:17

Lakeshore wrote:
05 Jun 2020, 11:01
Defend the truth

I agree with your writing 100%. Well written and I can't say it any better. Saying that I just want to add some point. Querro or OLF , FECO these groups preach division rather than unity because they think they can grab power easily if they narrow down the competition from the National level to few regions of Oromo, where they have more chances to deceit the uneducated farmers. As we know most of the rural areas of Ethiopia are uneducated Oromo is not any different. በቆማጣ ቤት ኣንድ ጣት ብርቅ ናት አንደሚባለው they want to be the thinker of the divided or separated Oromo. That is their dream. There is nothing on their manifest showing the next step of governing the Oromo people. Because they do not believe in it themselves that Oromo will be separated. They want the Oromo independence as bargaining cheap to grab power in the current government.

They don't have a vision that shows how to govern if they got independence. what kind of economic policy they will follow, how they will live with their Newbrough's peacefully or they will continue in perpetual war. What is their land reform, policing, education, how to eradicate 90% of illiteracy the list is going on and on? If they were series then they will preach these tangible policies for the Oromo people and they didn't need to fight or terrorize innocent people.

The other point is that some of these groups got some money from other foreign countries like Egypt and Sudan and from internal enemies of Ethiopia like TPLF presently in return for destabilizing the nation.

Last but not list it is known the great number of youth in Ethiopia has no job and Oromia is not any different. This is a very fertile ground to engage the youth. it doesn't need to be intelligent to exploit the desperation of the jobless youth in a destructive way as these groups did. These groups has no idea how to create a job and make the youth productive rather than distractive.

Inconclusion. Querro OLF , FECO, and other separatist groups have no vision, intellect, capability, and willingness to govern the people that they claim to represent OROMOS. sadly, it is a proven fact in our history. For example, during the revolution, the Ethiopian intellectuals spearheaded the revolution but when the reality sets in and sacrifices needed they backed up and the military took power. in the past 20 years, TPLF in coordination with the same groups and the same foreign power perpetuated them to power but since they didn't have a vision, intellect, capability, and willingness to create a democratic government rather they fight for power in the name tigree. The result was chaos and they went back to square one killing their own peoples. These groups are not any different we have seen the same thing in the past 50 years they don't learn or adapt. Their lust for power is so strong they do forget the humiliation they endure under TPLF and wine and dine with them sitting on the blood of the Oromo youth.

Gen. Kemal Gelchu said in the video I posted above the matter is now simply an issue of internal power struggle between the so called Oromo political parties and it seems to be that there is no end in sight for that for now.

If you have some kind of agenda issue, then there is a possibility that you can try to reconcile your positions and try to work together for a better future, but when it is all about fighting for a power, then the chances that you can ever find a common ground is simply very slim (simply because the center of power is only one at a time and there will never be an easy ride to get there, there are many stakeholders, when it comes to power).

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by TGAA » 06 Jun 2020, 13:46

Ethoash wrote:
05 Jun 2020, 11:46
Noble Amhara wrote:
05 Jun 2020, 11:42

Can you tell me why Tigray and Oromo 24/7 are putting there nose into Gonder Affairs why does OMN broadcast Qimant that is Amhara business stay in your Gelada provinces
very good point r Qimant r an Amhaa ? i did not know that... this is why i am asking ... anyhow first let lackshoe and TGAAA ANSWER my question why THEY DOLLING their noise in to oromo business...

anyhow TAGG AND LACKSHOER.. will not answer so let me answer your question Ato Nobrain Amhara

now u r admitting that dolling in oromo business is not right because u r only doing it because the oromo also doing the same in Qimant case..

let us look the big picture what would u do if oromo tell u shut the fk up... would u send an army? or u try to fool Dr. Abiy in to sending the army ...r successes in Ogden case would be succeed in oromo case . if Dr. PM SEND FED ARMY TO OROMO would u think the end of Ethiopia do u see the risk..

we have to put aside the Qimant case otherwise it would be to hard for u to handle.. the Qimant case is one years story .. but the Amhara involvement is 150 years old ..
What you completely don't understand Mr Ethotosh is that mine and your starting point is an ocean apart. For me, there is a country we all call Ethiopia and within it there are federal administrative regions. All Ethiopian citizens have equal rights.
yes, those federal administrative regions have their own rule of administration but no rule should be enacted in any of federal administration that violates the democratic rights of Ethiopians including the Ethiopian people within that federal state. So if you start from there and the indivisible nature of Ethiopian nation all things that I say becomes clear, crystal clear,if I might add. You start from weyanes twisted understanding of what federal is -- you confuse federal with the sovereign . That is why you contest Ethiopian speaking about other Ethiopians as being nosy. Although it is elementary unless you adjust your spectacles you might not able to see it. Here is brother Ethosh.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Ethoash » 07 Jun 2020, 00:03

TGAA wrote:
06 Jun 2020, 13:46

What you completely don't understand Mr Ethotosh is that mine and your starting point is an ocean apart. For me, there is a country we all call Ethiopia and within it there are federal administrative regions. All Ethiopian citizens have equal rights.

That is why you contest Ethiopian speaking about other Ethiopians as being nosy. Although it is elementary unless you adjust your spectacles you might not able to see it. Here is brother Ethosh.
Dr. TAGhead

Ur starting point is an Amhara .. no Ethiopians nosy.. all Ethiopian mind their own business expcet the buda Amhara..

if u were an Ethiopian u would have speak up when the fano looted the golden property..

Amhara themselves have so many problem to fix number one ቅማንትና የአርጎባን ነገር አስተካክሉ የሰው ወጥ ከምታማስሉ ። የራሳቹሁ እያረረባቹሁ።

ነገር ለመፈለግማ የወልቃይት አስመላሽ ኮሚቴ ብላቹሁ ብቅ ብላቹሁ በኢትዬዽያን ስም ትምላላቹሁ። ትግሬውና ኦሮሞ ደግሞ ቅማንትን አስመላሽ ። ኦሮሞን አስመላሽ ብሉ ምን ሊውጥህ ነው። ጦርነት መቀስቀስ አይደለም። በዚህ በትኩሳት ዘመን እናንተ ተጨምራሹህ።

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by TGAA » 07 Jun 2020, 16:43

ኢትዮታሽ፤ የወያኔዎች ግማሽ የበሰለ ብልጥነት በጣም ጥሬ ከመሆኑ የተነሳ አይምሮ ላይ ምን አልባት የሚል እንኳን ጥርጣሬ አያሳድርም ፡ በወያኔ ጮርቃ አእምሮ አማራ የሚል ቃላት ከተጠቀማችሁ የናንተን ተንኮል የሚሸፍን ይመስላችኋል ፤ኢትዮጵያዊያን ወያኔዎች የኤርትራዊያን ንብረት ሲወሰድ አውግዘዋል እንኳን የትግሬ ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ቀርቶ ፤ ነገር ግን ፋኖ ታርጋ ያደረጋቸው በላባቸው ሰርተው የሚኖሩ የትግራይ ህብረተስብን አይደለም ፤ ነገር ግን ወያኔዎች ሰንሰለታቸውን በየአካባቢ ዘርግተውተ ፤ የወያኔ መሳሪያ ሆነው ለወያኔ አልሞ ተኳሾች መረጃ እያስተላለፉ ሲያስገድሉ የነበሩትን ፤ ለዚያም ተግባራቸው ወያኔ ገንዘብ የሚረጭላቸው የወያኔ ቡችላዎችን ነው ፤ ያንን አንተም ታውቃለህ ለማስመሰል በትሞክርም ፡ የወያኔ ፌደራሊዝም ለ27 አመት የምናውቀው ከየአካባቢው ሆዳሞችን ሰብስባቸሁ ፍርፋሪ እየወረወራችሁ ፤ ባንኩን ፤ ታንኩን ፤ የህዝብ ደህንነቱን ተቆጣጥራችሁ ግማሹን ወደ ትግራይ ሌላውን ለወያኔ ና ለዘመዶቻቸው ገንዘብ ስትበትኑ ወያኔ በሌላው ክልል ጉዳይ መግባት የለብንም አላላችሁም ፤ አሁን ግን አንድላይ መጥቶ አሽቀንጥሮ የጣላችሁን ህብረተሰብ ለማድከም ብዙ ትቀባጥራላችሁ፤ ይህንን ሀዝቡ ስለተረዳ ነው መጨረሻ ላይ ተባብሮ ጎራችሁ እንድትገቡ ያደረጋችሁ፤ የናንተ ውድቀት ተጀመሯል የመጨራሻችሁ ግን በጣም አሳዛኝ እንደሚሆን ከድንፋታችሁ በስተጀርባ ታውቁታላችሁ ። Amharas are the scarecrow of weyanes ... ... 74606.html

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by Lakeshore » 08 Jun 2020, 00:16

Ethoash I know have difficulty understanding ideas but try to understand facts now.

That is an old Western slogan. The current situation in Ethiopia is about the rise of false ethnicism advocated by Arabs, the west with different agenda and followed by their agents like Jawar, Bekele Geriba, Dawed Ibsa, Merra, Melese.

These organizations started as Marxists. But when socialism start to fail because of Gorbachev's perestroika and USSR internal power struggle. The support of money and armaments drained both for Ethiopian government and these foreign agent groups. Then the Arab, to spread Islamism and the west i.e USA, Britania, Germany, Italy and so on, to completely eliminate the last socialist nation in Africa, approach this groups at list twice, in Italy Bologna Italy, London England and instruct them to keep their differences aside, change their ideology and fight Mengistu if they want to stay relevant in Ethiopian politics.

The west didn't see them as a reliable agent because of two major reasons. first, all of them organized under Marxist Leninist ideology even if they do not understand it fully the reason why I say that they didn't have a formally educated person in them, plus they were practicing different from Marxism. for example, Melese Zenawi follows the Albanian style Enver Hoxa's distorted version. Isayas was practicing the Mao Tse-tung version and OLF similarly.

Second, contrary to the communist ideology they were deeply divided and organized under ethnic lines. However, their belief was to form their own separate nation and till then agreed to fight the most dangerous enemy for both of them the Ethiopian government even if they are feeding on it.

Prior to approaching these groups, the west tried to topple Mengistu multiple times. They tried to assassinate him. They conducted many subversive actions in the country like organizing EDU lead Cudeta which failed prematurely resulted in the arrest of its 18 members. example Degazmach Asegahegn, Degazmach Ketsela from inside and many others from Somalia, Egypt and many other Arab countries. After that the CIA and MI5 attempt for the second time by infiltrating the Ethiopian army and recruiting some military Generals and officers to topple Mengistu. The depth of the infiltration was limited to top brasses only because of the very sophisticated and feared Ethiopian security agency.

The final plan of the cudeta started on May 8, Ethiopian calendar to shoot down Mengistu's plane when he was traveling to East Germany ( GDR) for an official visit as all of us know that cudeta failed miserable and coast many lives.

The west was baffled by the successive failer and loyalty of the people to Mengistu. As a resort to remove him they fledging a full-scale war against Ethiopian people. For this action, the west approached these terrorist organizations like TPL,ELF, EpLF, OLF, IFLO actually any group that was engaged in destabilizing the country invited to Italy Bologna. At this time Mengistu was ready to launch its final offensive under the slogan " The red star call" those groups were terrified so they agree to everything, including to denounce their Marxist ideology, on the table In exchange for armament, training and battlefield information, logistic and Immigration status for the leaders of these registered terrorist group members in the west.

At the same time, the west approached Mengistu as a mediator and arranged negotiations with these groups again In Italy. This time the negotiator from the Ethiopian side includes x EPLF members who surrender to Derg, Example, Teklay and his brother they were high raking EPLF members and Abraham Yayeh from TPLF Gebremedihin was left because of the language barrier. Then before the meeting started when they see Teklay and his brother the EPLF got furies and left the negotiation.

On the other hand, the west organized the formation of the united front against Ethiopia. Creating EPRDF during the so-called second congress.
The west made them fledge unity between EPLF, TPLF, EPRP, OLF, IFLO. They reorganize them and started a full-scale war supported by them and some Arab countries like Egypt. This time the cash flows in the pocket of these group leaders started. Even if they are fighting and negotiated together OLF and IFLO didn't get as much as the others because they are not tigree and they were not that effective in the war front. The leader of these groups started to live a high life for example Meles in Mogadishu. This was the money Aboy Sibihat of TPLF's old dog always saying we ( EFERT) had money before we came to Addis from business dealing but it was tied to the war and he doesn't have direct access.

The problem of this agreement with the west was so secret to fighters at the ground. As the fighting continued and Tplf and EPLF told to continue to Addis Ababa, even if they are enjoying the new weapons, and more food than before the fighters started to raise questions. why are we fighting out of our province as their name implies TPLF is by design tigrea libration and EPLF was Eritrean libration. The answer was it is wartime no and we will explain that later. When they reach Addis Ababa the EPLF leadership sticks to their promises and went back to Eritrea but TPLF guesses what they didn't instead they arrest all who raises the question. They arrested more than 15 000 tgree fighters after a few weeks of reaching Addis Ababa. Among the prisoners, 5000 of them died of torture and excution. The rest deported back to Tigray after deeply reformed some of them given land in Oromia, Gambela, Welqiyet, Wello, Amachiho, Addis Ababa, Hawassa, Nazeret. Among them, Debretsion who exiled later after few years to Tigray when TPLF splits into two factions this was the main reason, not the Eritrea war. Meresa, hassan shifa to mention few.

Read any history you will not find any libration front lead country prospering because they fight for a very long time they get addicted to the chaos they get institutionalized. It is like a prisoner who spent decades in jail and when they come out can function in normal society. Mujahidin,Unita, Isis, PLO, POLISARIO, Rwnada, ZANU any many groups

These groups in Ethiopia are different because they betrayed their own ideology, their own people, their own country basically themselves. They do not represent Oromo or Tigree they are living day by day. However, Abiy didn't come through war addiction and he is practicing faith he has family and young so he is different and we should give him a chance.

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 01 Dec 2024, 10:44

I said before years and not many paid attention back then, now it is unraveling itself by its own, after so many damages and heavy price for the to be liberated themselves, above all. I am happy I try to raise the truth in here, my track record shows this fact!

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Re: What is OLF-Shane Fighting For Today?

Post by DefendTheTruth » 04 Dec 2024, 14:38

This man in the camera wordly said "our people are living under a worse condition to when we started the guerrilla warfare in the region" to fight "for the Oromo people".

Just see at their face, they do shine, nothing in common with a suffering in the bushes. They must have been the same people robbing and killing the people they told us to liberate. These are idiots!

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