Ever since he dared to challenge the then head of the "parallel government", Obbo Jawar Mohammed, and tell him directly that he would be held accountable before couple of years my impression about this man is that he is a devoted public servant and never backs down to speak the truth. Back then Jawar was considered by many untoucheable. He is facing now rule of law and waiting for justice to be served for the unimaginable loss of human lives and damage to properties, up wards of millions if not billions in worth.
He took now also the fight directly to the American Embassy in the capital of the nation, which has been recently constantly terrorizing the citizens of the city by disseminating false propaganda and issuing unwarranted warnings, thereby also damaging the economy of the poor nation on the Horn of Africa, on top of the damage of reputation on the good nation and its people.
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"Those who chose to fight may lose (the battle), those who opted not to fight have already lost it" goes a saying attributed to a German author, Bertolt Brecht.