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Why are TPLF leaders so dumb? Are they seriously taking advice from Halafi Mengedi?

Post by euroland » 11 Sep 2022, 18:54

When they had better negotiation hand prior their third invasion three weeks ago, they refused to listen anyone, including AU. They set out 10 plus demands as precondition, including

- “every Tigray land needs to be returned
- Banks, tel, internet, electricity etc needs to be restored
- Eritrea needs to evacuate Badme ( :lol: :lol: ) this cracks me out
- Tigray needs to be monitory compensated
- The federal government needs to hand over to Tigray “war crimes” (all ENDF officers) :lol:
- Humer and Welqait agenda will never be on negotiation table

And they had many more demands. Now after the ENDF captured many of Tigray’s main cities, TPLF’s main base, Dedebit and surrounds Mekele in all directions, they are now “acceptted the negotiation without ANY precondition” LOL

How dumb are these terrorist leaders? Perhaps Halafi has more brain cells than these juntas