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What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 10:50
by DefendTheTruth
Declaring Faandoo for what it is: terrorist organization!

Faandoo and its associates need to be told what they truly are: terrorists!

Opening firearms against the security forces and civilians in overcrowded major city of the nation is never explicable other than by designating the entity behind the act as a terrorist organization.

Declare Eskinder Nega and his associates, including his former bi*tch wife, for what they are: terrorists!

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 11:10
by TesfaNews
Fando terrorists tied and killed OLF Leader

few days later Fando terrorists from Gojjam shooting and terrorizing the capital

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 11:41
by DefendTheTruth
I don't know about who killed Batte Urgessa, you may know and as such ready to point your fingers at somebody.

If you also don't know like me, then you must be someone who doesn't care playing a game with the life of a fellow human being, whose life was taken out without the will of the Creator. Why to such an extent?

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 12:19
by Right
who doesn't care playing a game with the life of a fellow human being,
As of you care for human life. Dedeb. You have killed 3 million Ethiopians in the last 5 years. 5 million displaced.
And for the imprisoned, all you have to do is visit Kaliti and other notorious prisons. The young, the old, intellectuals, politicians, journalists etc are all in there.

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 12:52
by Right
Declaring terrorist organization!
PP has already invaded the entire Amahara region by using ENDF. What the F you gone do? invent whatever name you imagined nothing will stop the organic movement in bringing justice to the people of Ethiopia.
Slowly but surely it is coming at you, no where to hide.
Abiye Ahmed Ali is a dead man walking. He will be dragged on the streets with a stick in his behind.

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 14:15
by euroland

What you declare “terrorist” today, you would kiss and invite them to your palace tomorrow. PeePee has no principles. Look the former “terrorist” leaders and their group, the TPLF. You are now making beds for them in Skyline Hotel.

Furthermore, if anyone is a terrorist, it is your the PeePee who are assassinating unarmed, political opponent member in a broad daylight.

DefendTheTruth wrote:
12 Apr 2024, 10:50
Declaring Faandoo for what it is: terrorist organization!

Faandoo and its associates need to be told what they truly are: terrorists!

Opening firearms against the security forces and civilians in overcrowded major city of the nation is never explicable other than by designating the entity behind the act as a terrorist organization.

Declare Eskinder Nega and his associates, including his former bi*tch wife, for what they are: terrorists!

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 17:45
by Noble Amhara
Didn't you declare fano a terrorist group exactly 12 months ago in April

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 18:26
by Educator
The arrival of Fano at Arat Killo.
DefendTheTruth wrote:
12 Apr 2024, 10:50

What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Re: What is much overdue in Ethiopia now?

Posted: 12 Apr 2024, 19:07
TesfaNews wrote:
12 Apr 2024, 11:10
Fando terrorists tied and killed OLF Leader

few days later Fando terrorists from Gojjam shooting and terrorizing the capital
The toxic ethnic politics of Oromuma primarily targeted the Amharas. Abiy provided cover, while Shimilis trained thousands so called shenne openly to kill Amharas. The OLF, a hegemonic political organization, with a lot of tentacles has committed crimes against humanity, unchecked by religion or political consciousness or political leadership in Oromos. Abiy and Shimils Initially tolerated dissenting views in ormia, but now Abiy cannot afford being exposed by an Oromo politician like Bate Urgessa, who continuously exposes Abiy's oppressive tactics to consolidate power in Oromia. Urgessa consistently revealed the killing that is taking place Oromia by Abiy and Shimels. Finally ,with Ethiopians from all corners exhausted by six years of violence and displacement, have decided to overthrow the corrupt government. Abiy and Shimels hoped a bulwark support from the Oromos, but Urgessa's revelations of the suffering of Oromos in oromia has posed a threat of eroding their support, which they couldn't tolerate. Thus, silencing Urgessa became their priority. Oromuma's radical tribal politics has started cannibalizing it self in earnest ..