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World War 3

Post by TesfaNews » 24 Apr 2024, 13:36

For World War 3 to happen there must be a great ideological rift in the world like Soviet Communism vs American Capitalism

It seems like China is avoiding any military offensive with Taiwan and even if China invades Taiwan all America would do is ship arms to Taiwan. China although despised by the West (Politically) is (Economically) in bed with the West. The west relies on China and China relies on the west for business a war between China and America will be a lose-lose situation for both great nations.

The Russian-Ukrainian War turned into a ethnic war with Russia controlling mostly Russian speaking territories in Ukraine. The Russians under Putin were cowards they couldn't even capture Kiev they literally relied on vehicles and had a 40 kilometer long stretch of tanks north of kiev that had to flee because Putins Russian Army was relying on highways to enter Ukraine instead of relying on ground soldiers. The modern day Russian army is incredibly lazy unlike the old soviet army

The Palestinian War is still ongoing and the brave 40,000 Hamas are still operating but even then thats not enough for a international war.... 100,000 man Hezbollah also seems to be stagnant unable to cross the Israeli border therefore the Lebanese Hezbollah seems irrevelant. Iran is the major player and it seems like Israel is very careful with Iran. More likely Israel will strike some important targets in Iran in a few months but there seems to be no ground offensive that is required for WW3............. Israeli and Iranian soldiers never go head to head.... this makes Iran a coward. Iran is not sending their soldiers to die in Gaza as they act... they are conscripting Lebanese and Palestinian Arabs to die for their geopolitical interests

The Yemeni Houthis have a major game in the Red Sea but they also are made irrevelant as Southern Yemen hates the Northern Yemeni Houthis.... Saudi and UAE also hate the Houthis for being Shia.

The Arab and Muslim world has not united against Israel as we anticipated it seems like the Arab and Muslim world is more concerned with prosperity and making themselves a comfortable life with a focus on money instead of caring for GAZA..... In fact the kufar/kafir students at western universities care more about Gaza than the Arabs do! This is fact!

Therefore Dajjal cannot return during the next 10-20 years there is no major world revolution to bring the anti christ to this world