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Halafi Mengedi
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Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Feb 2020, 12:27

This post is mainly for nationalists Tigray and the other parties of Tigray than woyane leadership since we know them who they are. You do sound and act like fools, be smart and see things ahead of the game and there is no brotherhood while sending generals and security assassins to Addis Ababa to kill Tigray, no Tigrayan should sleep and Tigray must act immediately and we must know who are our friends. The Eritrea worshipers brotherhood is to protect them than sharing and working together and Tigray must understand that and we must take firm stand about our own interests first.

First the Red Sea boundary should not be delineated by enemy Italy who divide one ethnic and Tigray should not take the sellout traitor Meles Zenawi advice Tigray to be landlocked. As south Tigrayan south Tigray first for its interests the remaining for north Tigray same ethnic. No rational 3 Awraja or 25% of the population of Tigray ethnic the owner of Red Sea should control and sellout to Arabas without the consent of the 75% population or 12 Awrajas of south Tigray. Italian came to our shore to divide us and rule part of Tigray as slave and part of Tigray to be handed to enemy Amhara to be looted by Amhara and Italain to bomb them by master gas from the air. Red Sea is exclusively the Tigray ethnic both side of Mereb river and have equal right to control it as our fathers fought to safeguard it. South Tigray must know their right to control Red Sea as the north Tigray divided ethnic by enemy Italians.

For south Tigray must find a way to solve this problem quickly and there are clear choices for south Tigray leadership to adhere, one they are from north Tigray who advocate the people should be united and control their destiny but south Tigray people are inactive and non supportive to the idea of Agaazians one people and one nation. The reason is from the qushet Adwa chose to stay with Amhara in order to control Tigray than the unity of north and south Tigray is against their ill advise intention of useless power freak in Tigray. The second option is if Tigray has to live with Amhara then the south Tigray interest should be first to be pursued and south Tigray will not have any choice but Tigray has to take its share of Red Sea and leave the north Tigray alone with their own share and forgot them and treat them like neighbor Sudan. Tigray cannot advocate for Eritreans as brothers while the Eritrean worshipers are not only to chock Tigray but to destroy Tigray people with Amhara and Arabas, if this is the case what the hell south Tigrayans are thinking, you must have counter strategy to clean them from our land and take over. Anyone including south Tigrayan who work with all kind of enemy of Tigray to destroy Tigray must be met by the same fate and destroy them. Brotherhood is not one side of the equation, it is both side of the equal sign to hold true equation to solve matters.

Tigray does not need brotherhood while chocking Tigray and working with others to eliminate Tigray and Tigray to be their safeguard while Tigray Red Sea is under the control of few merciless people. Tigray must treat them the way they treat Tigray and pursue exclusively Tigray interest and Tigray must work with whom ever to attain them the way north Tigray are doing right now. Tigray should not be fooled by few voices, 90% mind set of north Tigray is Tigray to protect them and they will control Red Sea than sharing our own Red Sea. If the Eritrea worshipers think Italian gave them then let the Italian question Tigray why Tigray want to take its part of Red Sea. The Tigrayans are arguing Badme while Red Sea is their own and the talk should be Red Sea and it is ours and we must pursue to get it.

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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by EthioRedSea » 18 Feb 2020, 13:14

We need to share The Red Sea with all Ethiopians. We shall. Amhara are part of the Red Sea Civilisation

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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Dawi » 18 Feb 2020, 14:35

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Feb 2020, 12:27
Tigray cannot advocate for Eritreans as brothers while the Eritrean worshipers are not only to chock Tigray but to destroy Tigray people (TPLF party) with Amhara and Arabas, if this is the case what the hell south Tigrayans are thinking, you must have counter strategy to clean them from our land and take over.
I feel sorry for you Halafi!

I think it is too late; it is just too late! What can you do today? The ball is under the control of Dr. Abiy and PIA!

What you should ask/beg is for Dr. Abiy and Isaias to show "kindness" towards you/TPLF!

Watch the following to understand what I am talking about.

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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 18 Feb 2020, 15:38

The Afar homeland (Dankalia) is over 40,000 Square Kilometers in size, stretching from the northern tip of Bori Peninsula near Massawa to southern town of Rahyta. The coastal regions of Dankalia stretch up 1000 KM and contain historic villages, ports and islands. Dahlak Island, for example, contains over 300 islands which have served as the traditional fishing economic base for generations.

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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Abaymado » 18 Feb 2020, 15:48

This must be a joke!! For what purpose will we cooperate with weyane? for port? no way! we will wait and see the aftermath. After that we will align ourselves according to our interest. there is expected skirmishes between different ethnic groups, and there will be fights between shabo and weyane.
we will collect dead bodies and bury!

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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Follower » 18 Feb 2020, 16:00

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Feb 2020, 12:27
This post is mainly for nationalists Tigray and the other parties of Tigray than woyane leadership since we know them who they are. You do sound and act like fools, be smart and see things ahead of the game and there is no brotherhood while sending generals and security assassins to Addis Ababa to kill Tigray, no Tigrayan should sleep and Tigray must act immediately and we must know who are our friends. The Eritrea worshipers brotherhood is to protect them than sharing and working together and Tigray must understand that and we must take firm stand about our own interests first.

First the Red Sea boundary should not be delineated by enemy Italy who divide one ethnic and Tigray should not take the sellout traitor Meles Zenawi advice Tigray to be landlocked. As south Tigrayan south Tigray first for its interests the remaining for north Tigray same ethnic. No rational 3 Awraja or 25% of the population of Tigray ethnic the owner of Red Sea should control and sellout to Arabas without the consent of the 75% population or 12 Awrajas of south Tigray. Italian came to our shore to divide us and rule part of Tigray as slave and part of Tigray to be handed to enemy Amhara to be looted by Amhara and Italain to bomb them by master gas from the air. Red Sea is exclusively the Tigray ethnic both side of Mereb river and have equal right to control it as our fathers fought to safeguard it. South Tigray must know their right to control Red Sea as the north Tigray divided ethnic by enemy Italians.

For south Tigray must find a way to solve this problem quickly and there are clear choices for south Tigray leadership to adhere, one they are from north Tigray who advocate the people should be united and control their destiny but south Tigray people are inactive and non supportive to the idea of Agaazians one people and one nation. The reason is from the qushet Adwa chose to stay with Amhara in order to control Tigray than the unity of north and south Tigray is against their ill advise intention of useless power freak in Tigray. The second option is if Tigray has to live with Amhara then the south Tigray interest should be first to be pursued and south Tigray will not have any choice but Tigray has to take its share of Red Sea and leave the north Tigray alone with their own share and forgot them and treat them like neighbor Sudan. Tigray cannot advocate for Eritreans as brothers while the Eritrean worshipers are not only to chock Tigray but to destroy Tigray people with Amhara and Arabas, if this is the case what the hell south Tigrayans are thinking, you must have counter strategy to clean them from our land and take over. Anyone including south Tigrayan who work with all kind of enemy of Tigray to destroy Tigray must be met by the same fate and destroy them. Brotherhood is not one side of the equation, it is both side of the equal sign to hold true equation to solve matters.

Tigray does not need brotherhood while chocking Tigray and working with others to eliminate Tigray and Tigray to be their safeguard while Tigray Red Sea is under the control of few merciless people. Tigray must treat them the way they treat Tigray and pursue exclusively Tigray interest and Tigray must work with whom ever to attain them the way north Tigray are doing right now. Tigray should not be fooled by few voices, 90% mind set of north Tigray is Tigray to protect them and they will control Red Sea than sharing our own Red Sea. If the Eritrea worshipers think Italian gave them then let the Italian question Tigray why Tigray want to take its part of Red Sea. The Tigrayans are arguing Badme while Red Sea is their own and the talk should be Red Sea and it is ours and we must pursue to get it.
"በየናይ ኣእጋር ኣሳጋጋር" በለ ተመን፡
በየናይ መዓንጣ ኢካ ቀይሕ ባሕሪ ክትቆጻጸሮ?
ኣታዮ ክንደይ ግዛዕ ምዛዕ ምጽሓፍ ትፈቱ ኢካ፡ኣይስልችወካን ድዩ ከ?

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Feb 2020, 21:50

Where was Tigray pre 1975???

It was under the Amhara who controlled Qebo, Metema Yohannes and Tigrayan brains were infected by Lema Begebeya and Tenkolegna Kebede.

Where is Tigray now???

Tigray is still under the control of Lema Begebeya and Tenkolegna Kebede, our looted lands are still under Amhara. Amharic language is playing more role than pre 1975. Our gene is polluted by all ethnics from the south and Tigray identity is totally distorted what king Yohannes and Raesi Alula gave us. Tigray is landlocked and ceded its own Red Sea.

Where is Tigray going???

Listen Seyoum Mesfun the Amhara horse, if Tigray cedes the name of Ethiopia is going with Tigray. Why Tigray takes the name of Etlhiopia Menelik Gojo, if Seyoum Mesfin, Abay Tsehaye and Sebhat Nega forefathers are pure Tigrayans then they never heard the name of Ethiopia and there were not Ethiopians. Seyoum Mesfin where did you get Ethiopia, to say Ethiopia is Tigray??? Aren’t you lying as usual???

Was the 27 years Woyane rule good for Tigray people???

The answer is no. The first five years since 1991, it was good and things were going according Waela Tigray but after the split of the leadership, Woyane became Meles Nechi lebash and Balomal and Tigray was ignored for 18 years until Meles death. Meles called Tigray people quote from Meles words “Tigaru Deleyti Hilfi Eyom” and Meles told Woyane fighters are “Guhafat” kick them out from Addis Ababa and they cleaned them and put then in western Tigray.

Did Debretsion do a good job for the last two years???

No and Yes. No, Debretsion could have listened Abdi Illy and called ART39 with Afar, Somali and Tigray and we could have been independent country three of us if not other joined us and we could have been Gas and Oil exporters now than fighting for your existence. Debrestion does not have any iota what to do and say for our friends kilil leaderships and they were exposed to mercenary Abiy and some of them are in prison. Having said the above Debretsion did good jobs, these are open the political space for Tigrayans, people are free to speak their mind to the extent and the last two years economic activities are similar to the first good years from 1991 to 1997. Debretsion need to be surrounded by smart people like Dr Mahari Tadele Maru to advise him and Debretsion must know that Woyane for the last 27 years broke the relationship with Amhara and there is no way Tigray and Amhara can coexist moving forward and Tigray must use ART39 and regain our looted lands.

Debretsion, what is your new struggle you talked, you did not tell us what is the new struggle and why new struggle now and what are you going to bring you need new struggle, Esti fishik belena Ab Godnka Tetew Knbl???

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45809
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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 19 Feb 2020, 01:22

This message is to the nationalist Tigrayans and new parties to preach our people that Tigray cannot live with Amhara since woyane leadership reined what ever the relationship we had, time to leave and think the future by ourselves.

Digital Weyane
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Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Digital Weyane » 19 Feb 2020, 02:35

ቱአሙኖ ሉኡይኽካ ኡንታይ ቀረየኒ አይትበል ሀም ዝባሃል ...
Don't worry brother. Our Adwa women are selling their bodies to raise money for our Abay Tigray Republic dream. Let our Adwa women do the fighting for us so we can retire brother Awash and his 27 nicknames for good. 8) 8) 8)

Halafi Mengedi
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Posts: 45809
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: Tigray must make the hard decision: Tigray need Red Sea and should we get it with Amhara or with north Tigray???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 19 Feb 2020, 11:13

Digital Weyane wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 02:35
ቱአሙኖ ሉኡይኽካ ኡንታይ ቀረየኒ አይትበል ሀም ዝባሃል ...
Don't worry brother. Our Adwa women are selling their bodies to raise money for our Abay Tigray Republic dream. Let our Adwa women do the fighting for us so we can retire brother Awash and his 27 nicknames for good. 8) 8) 8)

These brave women are from north Tigray Agaazians and woyane led by Debretsion must cash them in now, this is the gift of God the two divided people to unite and live in peace and regain their lands.

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