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Agame Jiboch trying to start war with Eritrea Again

Post by TesfaNews » 15 Apr 2024, 17:26

Do you know fascist Germany that lost in WW2 had to concede territories to Poland?

Tigray started the war and must hand over territories as payment!

Eritrea will go to flown blow war if Agames dare try to cross Irob and Badme triangle as well Eritrea will not allow TPLF to function near Humora. Tigray is essentially trying to use Pretoria agreement to gain independence in the future through the backing of their Anglo Saxon Masters .

TPLF is also preparing to attack ENDF in Tigray once they gain the ability to. They don't even like Abiy they will tell Abiy get lost once they get what they want.

Yeken Jiboch

Posts: 7070
Joined: 14 Feb 2020, 22:23
Location: Ras Mesobawian

Re: Agame Jiboch trying to start war with Eritrea Again

Post by TesfaNews » 15 Apr 2024, 22:06

Look at Ethiopian monkeys unable to defend themselves as they insult shabia uncontrollably as if weyane is their friend

1) ye Sharmuxa lij Misrak
2) ye derg torserawit degafi Abere
3) dikala selam
4) zinjero Union

You people have no discipline just like your leader Abiy Ahmed you have no right to insult shabia next to weyane when it was shabia who defeated weyane from shiraro to adwa and it's weyane that is planning to invade your region

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