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  • (UK) IPA: /əˈbɛrənt/, /ˈæbərənt/
  • (US) IPA: /əˈbɛrənt/


Aberrant (comparative more Aberrant, superlative most Aberrant)

  1. Differing from the norm, from the expected type; abnormal, anomalous.
  2. Deviating from morality; straying from the right way.
  3. (biology) Deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal.
    • Charles Darwin,
      The more aberrant any form is, the greater must have been the number of connecting forms which, on my theory, have been exterminated.

Derived terms


aberrative; abnormal; abominable; abroad; adrift; all abroad; all off; all wrong; amiss; amorphous; anomalistic; anomalous; askew; astray; at fault; atrocious; atypical; awry; beside the mark; circuitous; corrupt; criminal; deceptive; defective; delinquent; delusive; departing; desultory; deviant; deviating; deviational; deviative; deviatory; devious; different; digressive; discursive; disgraceful; disparate; distorted; divergent; eccentric; errant; erratic; erring; erroneous; evil; exceptional; excursive; fallacious; false; faultful; faulty; flawed; formless; hardly the thing; heretical; heteroclite; heterodox; heteromorphic; ignominious; illegal; illogical; illusory; improper; inappropriate; incorrect; indecorous; indirect; infamous; irregular; labyrinthine; mazy; meandering; not done; not right; not the thing; not true; odd; off; off the track; off-base; off-color; out; out-of-line; out-of-the-way; peccant; peculiar; perverse; perverted; planetary; preternatural; rambling; roving; sacrilegious; scandalous; self-contradictory; serpentine; shameful; shameless; shapeless; shifting; sinful; snaky; strange; stray; straying; subnormal; swerving; terrible; turning; twisting; undirected; undue; unfactual; unfit; unfitting; unlawful; unnatural; unorthodox; unproved; unrepresentative; unrighteous; unseemly; unsuitable; untrue; untypical; unusual; vagrant; veering; wandering; wicked; wide; winding; wrong; wrongful; zigzag


Aberrant (plural Aberrants)
  1. A person or object that is aberrant.