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Abusive (comparative more Abusive, superlative most Abusive)

  1. Wrongly used; perverted; misapplied.
  2. (archaic) Given to misusing; also, full of abuses.
  3. Practicing abuse; prone to ill treat by coarse, insulting words or by other ill usage; as, an abusive author; an abusive fellow.
  4. Containing abuse, or serving as the instrument of abuse; vituperative; reproachful; scurrilous.
  5. (obsolete) Tending to deceive; fraudulent; cheating.

Adverbs for Abusive

inexcusably; tragically; absurdly; painfully; scathingly; blisteringly; scandalously; alarmingly; ferociously; noisily; intolerably; pugnaciously; truculently; inhumanly; foully; diabolically; inconceivably; incredibly; obscenely; cruelly; scurrilously; unpardonably; unforgivably; unreasonably; immoderately; virulently; rashly; criminally; preposterously; unbelievably; recklessly; terribly; humiliatingly; profanely; disgracefully; shamefully; insanely; crazily; appallingly; maliciously; lamentably; violently; destructively; rancorously; blasphemously; spitefully; wickedly; revoltingly; illegally; direly; deliriously; horribly.


atrocious; back-biting; backhand; backhanded; belittling; bitchy; blackening; blameful; blasphemous; bludgeoning; blustering; browbeating; brutal; bulldozing; bullying; calumniatory; calumnious; catty; censorious; comminatory; condemnatory; contemptuous; contumelious; corrupt; crooked; cruel; cursing; damnatory; defamatory; degrading; denunciatory; deprecative; deprecatory; depreciative; depreciatory; derisive; derisory; derogative; derogatory; destructive; detractory; dirty; dishonest; disparaging; dysphemistic; epithetic; excommunicative; excommunicatory; execrating; execrative; execratory; fear-inspiring; filthy; foreboding; foul; fulminatory; harmful; hectoring; humiliating; hurtful; imminent; imprecatory; improper; incorrect; injurious; insolent; insulting; intimidating; invective; inveighing; judgmental; left-handed; libelous; lowering; maledictory; maligning; menacing; minacious; minatory; minimizing; misapplied; objurgatory; obscene; odious; offending; offensive; ominous; opprobrious; outrageous; pejorative; perverted; priggish; profane; raw; reproachful; reprobative; reviling; ribald; ridiculing; risque; rude; scandalous; scatologic; scoffing; scurrile; scurrilous; slanderous; slighting; smutty; terroristic; terrorizing; threatening; threatful; truculent; unspeakable; venal; vile; vilifying; vituperative; vulgar; wrong


See French abusif, from Latin abusivus, corresponding to abuse


  • IPA: /əˈbuːsɪv/


Derived terms




abusive f.

  1. Feminine plural form of abusivo




  1. vocative masculine singular of abūsīvus