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Agreeable (comparative more Agreeable, superlative most Agreeable)

  1. Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful; as, agreeable manners or remarks; an agreeable person; fruit agreeable to the taste.
  2. (colloquial) Willing; ready to agree or consent.
  3. Agreeing or suitable; conformable; correspondent; concordant; adapted; -- followed by to, rarely by with.
  4. In pursuance, conformity, or accordance;—in this sense used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report.

Adverbs for Agreeable

consistently; obviously; openly; frankly; sweetly; essentially; warmly; gratifyingly; extremely; unaffectedly; courteously; comfortably; pleasantly; placidly; gravely; unfailingly; generously; graciously; smilingly; considerately; sincerely; cordially; quietly; remarkably; ostentatiously; charmingly; singularly; genuinely; happily.


pleasing, pleasant, welcome, charming, acceptable, amiable, enticing, loving, inviting, acceptable, ready, willing.


disagreeable, unpleasant, discordant, contentious, incongruous.


abject; acceptable; accepting; accommodating; accommodative; accordant; achingly sweet; acquiescent; admissible; adorable; affable; affirmative; agreeable-sounding; agreeing; akin; alacritous; all right; alright; ambrosial; amenable; amiable; amicable; amply endowed; answerable; appealing; appetizing; approving; ardent; ariose; arioso; assenting; at one; attentive; attractive; attuned; becoming; benevolent; benign; benignant; blissful; bonhomous; bonny; braw; brotherly; built; built for comfort; buxom; callipygian; callipygous; canorous; cantabile; catchy; cheerful; civil; coexistent; coexisting; coherent; coincident; coinciding; comely; commensurate; compatible; complaisant; compliable; compliant; complying; concordant; concurring; conformable; congenial; congruent; congruous; consentaneous; consentient; consenting; considerate; consistent; consonant; content; cooperating; cooperative; cordial; correspondent; corresponding; courteous; curvaceous; curvy; dainty; decent; deferential; delectable; delicate; delicious; delightful; desirable; disposed; docile; dulcet; eager; easy; easy-natured; empathetic; empathic; en rapport; endorsing; enjoyable; enthusiastic; enviable; equivalent; euphonic; euphonious; euphonous; exciting; exquisite; fain; fair; fair and pleasant; favorable; favorably disposed; favorably inclined; felicific; felicitous; fine; fine-toned; forward; fraternal; frictionless; friendlike; friendly; game; generous; genial; gentle; goddess-like; golden; golden-tongued; golden-voiced; good; good enough; good to eat; good-humored; good-looking; good-natured; good-tasting; good-tempered; goodly; graceful; gracious; grateful; gratifying; gustable; gusty; harmonious; heart-warming; heedful; helpful; honeyed; in accord; in agreement; in concert; in favor; in rapport; in sync; in synchronization; in the mind; in the mood; in tune; inaccordance; inclined; indulgent; inharmony; juicy; kind; kindly; lenient; likable; like-minded; likely; lovable; lovely to behold; luscious; lush; melic; mellifluent; mellifluous; mellisonant; mellow; melodic; melodious; mild; minded; mindful; mindful of others; mouth-watering; music-flowing; music-like; musical; nectareous; nectarous; neighborlike; neighborly; nice; nondissenting; nonresistant; nonresisting; nonresistive; nothing loath; obedient; obliging; of a piece; of gourmet quality; of like mind; of one mind; okay; on all fours; overindulgent; overpermissive; palatable; passable; passive; peaceable; peaceful; permissive; personable; pleasant; pleasant-sounding; pleasing; pleasurable; pleasure-giving; pleasureful; pliant; pneumatic; polite; positive; predisposed; presentable; prompt; prone; proportionate; provocative; quick; ratifying; ready; ready and willing; receptive; reconcilable; regardful; resigned; respectful; responsive; rewarding; rich; sanctioning; sapid; satisfactory; satisfying; savorous; savory; scrumptious; seductive; self-consistent; servile; shapely; sightly; silver-toned; silver-tongued; silver-voiced; silvery; simpatico; singable; sisterly; slender; sociable; solicitous; songful; songlike; sonorous; stacked; statuesque; submissive; subservient; succulent; supine; sweet; sweet-flowing; sweet-sounding; sweet-tempered; symbiotic; sympathetic; sympathique; synchronized; synchronous; tactful; taking; tantalizing; tasty; tempting; tenable; thoughtful; to be desired; together; tolerant; toothsome; tractable; tunable; tuneful; unanimous; unassertive; uncomplaining; understanding; unexceptionable; ungrudging; unhostile; uniform; unisonant; unisonous; united; unloath; unobjectionable; unrefusing; unreluctant; unresistant; unresisting; urbane; viable; welcome; well-affected; well-built; well-disposed; well-favored; well-formed; well-inclined; well-intentioned; well-made; well-meaning; well-meant; well-natured; well-proportioned; well-shaped; well-stacked; willed; willing; willinghearted; winning; worth having; yummy; zealous


Middle English, from Old French agreable, as if agree.


Derived terms
