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Alcohol (countable and uncountable; plural Alcohols)
  1. A general class of hydrocarbons that contain a hydroxyl group (OH).
    • The term "alcohol" is often used interchangeably with the term "ethanol," even though there are many types of alcohol. (See Butanol, Ethanol, Methanol.)
  2. (organic chemistry, countable) Any of a class of organic compounds (such as ethanol) containing a hydroxyl functional group (-OH).
  3. (uncountable) An intoxicating beverage made by the fermentation of sugar or sugar-containing material.

Derived terms

-holic; -holism; -ol; alcoholic; alcoholism; low-alcohol; non-alcoholic; nonalcoholic

Verbs for Alcohol

abstain from; apply; banish; bloat with; clean with; concentrate; condemn; consume; contain; crave; denature; detect; dilute; dissolve in; distill; dose with; ferment into; formulate; heat with; indulge in; injure with; manufacture; methylate; power with; prod with; purvey; redistill; reduce to; reek with; reinforce by; resist; respond to; restrict; saturate with; solace with; stain with; steep in; stimulate with; taint with; utilize; vaporize; accelerates; contracts; deadens; depresses; derives from; dulls; expands; flames; - inebriates; influences; intoxicates ; menaces; occurs in; penetrates; plays a role; poisons; preserves; ravages; retards; soothes; stimulates.


Amytal; Amytal pill; Argyrol; Chile saltpeter; Demerol; Dial; Dolophine; H; John Barleycorn; Luminal; Luminal pill; M; Mercurochrome; Merthiolate; Mickey Finn; Nembutal; Nembutal pill; Salol; Seconal; Seconal pill; Sulfonal; Trional; Tuinal; Tuinal pill; absolute alcohol; acetate; acetone; alcoholic beverage; alcoholic drink; aldehyde; amine; ammonia; amobarbital sodium; amyl alcohol; analgesic; anhydride; anodyne; antifreeze; aqua regia; aqua vitae; ardent spirits; arsenate; arsenite; barb; barbital; barbiturate; barbiturate pill; barbituric acid; basic anhydride; belladonna; benzine; benzoate; beverage; bicarbonate; bicarbonate of soda; bichloride of mercury; bisulfate; black stuff; blue; blue angel; blue devil; blue heaven; blue velvet; booze; borate; borax; boric acid; brew; briquette; bromide; burnable; butane; calcium carbonate; calcium hydroxide; calmative; calomel; camphor; carbide; carbohydrate; carbolic acid; carbon; carbon dioxide; carbon monoxide; carbon tet; carbon tetrachloride; carbonate; charcoal; chloral hydrate; chloramine; chlorate; chlorite; chloroform; chromate; citrate; coal; codeine; codeine cough syrup; coke; combustible; copperas; cresol; cyanide; dehydrated alcohol; depressant; depressor; dichromate; dioxide; disulfide; dolly; dope; downer; drink; ester; ethane; ethanol; ether; ethyl; ethyl alcohol; ethylene glycol; fireball; firewater; firing; flammable; flammable material; fluoride; formaldehyde; fuel; fuel additive; fuel dope; fulminate; gas; gas carbon; gasoline; gentian violet; goofball; gramicidin; grog; halide; halogen; hard liquor; hard stuff; heptane; heroin; hexachloraphene; hexane; hooch; hop; horse; hydrate; hydride; hydrocarbon; hydrogen peroxide; hydroxide; hyoscyamine; hypnotic; hypochlorite; inebriant; inflammable; inflammable material; intoxicant; intoxicating liquor; iodide; iodine; isooctane; isopropyl alcohol; jet fuel; juice; junk; kerosene; ketone; knockout drops; lactate; laudanum; liquor; little brown jug; lotus; meperidine; methadone; methane; methanol; methyl; methyl alcohol; monoxide; moonshine; morphia; morphine; narcotic; natural gas; niter; nitrate; nitride; nitrite; octane; oil; opiate; opium; oxalate; oxide; pacifier; pain killer; paraffin; paraldehyde; paregoric; peat; pen yan; pentane; pentobarbital; permanganate; peroxide; petrochemical; phenobarbital; phenobarbital sodium; phenol; phenyl salicylate; phosphate; phosphide; potable; potash; potassium nitrate; potation; propane; propellant; punch bowl; purple heart; quietener; rainbow; red; reserpine; resorcinol; rocket fuel; rum; sal ammoniac; salt; saltpeter; sauce; scag; schnapps; scopolamine; secobarbital sodium; sedative; shit; silicate; silver vitellin; sleep-inducer; sleeper; sleeping draught; sleeping pill; smack; social lubricant; sodium bicarbonate; sodium bromide; sodium chloride; sodium hypochlorite; sodium thiopental; somnifacient; soother; soothing syrup; soporific; spirits; strong drink; strong waters; sulfate; sulfide; sulfite; tar; tartrate; thalidomide; the Demon Rum; the bottle; the cup; the flowing bowl; the luscious liquor; the ruddy cup; thimerosal; thymol; tincture of iodine; tipple; toxicant; tranquilizer; turf; turpentine; turps; water; water of life; white stuff; yellow; yellow jacket
