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Alight (third-person singular simple present alights, present participle alighting, simple past and past participle alighted or alit)

  1. (intransitive, with from) To spring down, get down, or descend, as from on horseback or from a carriage; to dismount.
    Passengers are alighting from the carriage
  2. (intransitive, with on) To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop.
    A flying bird alights on a tree
    Snow alights on a roof.
  3. (intransitive) To come or chance (upon).


Alight (not comparable)

  1. Lit; on fire, switched on.
    The sticks were damp and wouldn't catch alight.
  2. (figuratively) Lit; on fire, burning.
    Her face was alight with happiness.


ablaze; afire; aflame; aflicker; aglow; ardent; bathed with light; bespangled; blazing; bright; brightened; burning; candent; candescent; candlelit; climb down; comburent; come down; come in; come to land; conflagrant; crash-land; debark; debus; deplane; descend; detrain; disembark; disemplane; dismount; ditch; dock; downwind; drop; drop anchor; effulgent; enlightened; fall; fiery; firelit; flagrant; flaming; flaring; flickering; fulgent; fuming; gaslit; get down; get off; glowing; go ashore; guttering; ignescent; ignited; illuminated; in a blaze; in a glow; in flames; incandescent; inflamed; irradiate; irradiated; kindled; lamplit; land; lanternlit; level off; light; lighted; lightened; lit; lit up; live; living; luminous; make a landfall; make land; make port; moonlit; moor; on fire; overshoot; pancake; perch; put in; put into port; reach land; reeking; refulgent; roost; scintillant; scintillating; set down; settle; settle down; sit down; smoking; smoldering; spangled; sparking; star-spangled; star-studded; starlit; studded; sunlit; talk down; tie up; tinseled; touch down; tumble; unboat; unextinguished; unhorse; unquenched; upwind