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Arrested (not comparable)

  1. Having been stopped or prevented from developing



  1. Simple past tense and past participle of arrest.


babbling; back; backward; behind; behindhand; belated; blithering; blocked; bridled; burbling; callow; caught; charmed; checked; coarse; constrained; controlled; crackbrained; cracked; crazy; cretinistic; cretinous; crude; curbed; defective; deficient; delayed; delayed-action; detained; dithering; driveling; drooling; embryonic; enchanted; enthralled; failing; fascinated; fixed; gripped; guarded; half-baked; half-witted; held; held up; hung up; hypnotized; hypoplastic; idiotic; imbecile; imbecilic; immature; impeded; in a bind; in abeyance; in arrear; in arrears; in check; in default; in embryo; in leading strings; in ovo; in remission; in short supply; in the rough; inadequate; incomplete; infant; inhibited; jammed; lacking; late; latish; maundering; mentally defective; mentally deficient; mentally handicapped; mentally retarded; mesmerized; missing; mongoloid; moratory; moronic; needing; never on time; not all there; obstructed; on leash; overdue; oversimple; part; partial; patchy; pent-up; rapt; reductionistic; reductive; restrained; retarded; rough; roughcast; roughhewn; rude; rudimental; rudimentary; scant; scanty; scrappy; set back; short; shy; simple; simpleminded; simpletonian; simplistic; sketchy; slobbering; slow; slowed down; spellbound; stopped; stunted; subnormal; tardy; unblown; uncultivated; uncultured; uncut; under control; under discipline; under restraint; underdeveloped; undeveloped; unfashioned; unfinished; unformed; unhewn; unlabored; unlicked; unpolished; unprocessed; unpunctual; unready; unrefined; untimely; untreated; unworked; unwrought; wanting
