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Blatant (comparative more Blatant, superlative most Blatant)

  1. Bellowing, as a calf; bawling; brawling; clamoring; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly.
  2. Obvious, on show

Adverbs for Blatant

clamorously; vociferously; cheeringly; uproariously; screamingly; stentoriously; offensively; unnecessarily; asininely; blunderingly; brainlessly; arrogantly; extravagantly; foolishly; heavily; ineptly; obtusely; senselessly; weakly; awkwardly; boorishly; lustily; indecorously; loudly; ribaldly; obstreperously; tawdrily; coarsely; cheaply; vulgarly; oddly; unwntedly; hoydenishly; monstrously; clownishly; outlandishly.



arrant, barefaced, bawling, bellowing, blaring, blatting, blustering, boanergean, boisterous, bold, brassy, brawling, brazen, brazenfaced, chintzy, clamant, clamorous, clamoursome, clanging, clangorous, clattery, colorful, conspicuous, crude, crying, extravagant, flagrant, flaring, flashy, flaunting, garish, gaudy, glaring, gorgeous, hanging out, howling, impudent, in relief, in the foreground, loud, loudmouthed, lowing, lurid, mafficking, meretricious, mugient, multivocal, noiseful, noisy, notable, noticeable, notorious, obstreperous, obtrusive, obvious, openmouthed, ostensible, outstanding, overbold, overt, palpable, prominent, pronounced, puling, rackety, rip-roaring, rowdy, salient, screaming, sensational, shameless, shouting, spectacular, staring, stark-staring, sticking out, strepitant, strepitous, strident, striking, tawdry, tinsel, tumultuous, turbulent, ululant, unabashed, unashamed, unblushing, uproarious, vociferant, vociferating, vociferous, vulgar, wailing, whining, yammering, yapping, yelling, yelping


(1596) coined by Edmund Spenser ("blatant beast"). Probably a variation of *blatand (Scots blaitand), present participle of blate, a variation of bleat. See bleat.


See also
