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Bungling (comparative more Bungling, superlative most Bungling)

  1. incompetent or inept


Bungling (plural Bunglings)
  1. An act or acts of incompetence or ineptitude.



  1. Present participle of bungle.

Adjectives for Bungling

general; inept; patient; characteristic; repeated.

Adverbs for Bungling

awkwardly; clumsily; boorishly; loutishly; shyly; bashfully; ineptly; inexpertly; unskilfully; self-consciously; incompetently; vexatiously; hopelessly; diffidently; timidly; pitifully; helplessly; pathetically; plaintively; outlandishly; pitiably; miserably; sorrily; sadly; grievously.


hulky, inelegant, left-hand, left-handed, loose ends, loutish, lubberly, lumbering, lumpish, maladroit, messiness, messy, muffing, oafish, ponderous, promiscuous, sad work, slapdash, slipshod, slipshoddiness, slipshoddy, slipshodness, sloppiness, sloppy, slovenliness, slovenly, slovenly performance, slovenry, sluttish, sluttishness, stiff, too many cooks, uncouth, ungainly, ungraceful, unhandy, untidiness, untidy, unwieldy, all thumbs, awkward, bad job, blunderheaded, blunderheadedness, blundering, boggling, boorish, botch, botched, botchery, botching, bumbling, butterfingered, careless, carelessness, clownish, clumsy, clumsy-fisted, cumbersome, deficient, fingers all thumbs, fumbling, gauche, gawkish, gawky, graceless, half-assed, ham-fisted, ham-handed, haphazard, haphazardness, heavy-handed, hit-and-miss, hit-or-miss, hulking,