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Climate (plural Climates)
  1. The long-term manifestations of weather and other atmospheric conditions in a given area or country, now usually represented by the statistical summary of its weather conditions during a period long enough to ensure that representative values are obtained (generally 30 years).
  2. (figuratively) The context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation.

Adjectives for Climate

dry; marvelous; summer; outdoor; world-famous; incomparable; mild; kindly; inviting; pleasant; enervating; rugged; healthful; bracing; life-prolonging; gracious; superb; gentle; beneficent; maligned; semi-tropical; oppressive; delicious; glowing balmy; invigorating; divers (plural); burning listless; villainous; various (plural); bland; trying; exhausting arctic; dry; sultry; severe; trick; tropical exhilarating; salubrious; temperate; genial; frowning; delightful; subduing; smiling; perfect; year-round; propitious; equable; fittest; tranquil; ocean; lovely; stern; excellent; unbearable; bitter; forbidding; rigorous; harsh; rotten; poisonous; arid; high; wonderful; winter; southern; atmospheric variable; capricious; altered; seasonal coldest; humid; torrid; damp; changing.

Verbs for Climate

accustom to —; adapt to —; ascribe to — chart —; malign —; record —; seek — succumb to —; — affects; — batters; — braces; — depends on; — destroys; —devastates; — discourages; — invigorates; — irritates; — enlivens; — prevails; —ravages; — restores; — revives; — sickens; — stimulates.

Related terms



air, ambiance, ambience, ambient, atmosphere, aura, calm weather, climate of opinion, clime, cold weather, equator, ethos, fair weather, feel, feeling, forces of nature, good weather, halcyon days, horse latitudes, hot weather, ideology, intellectual climate, latitude, longitude, longitude in arc, macroclimate, medium, meridian, microclimate, milieu, mise-en-scene, mood, moral climate, mores, norms, note, overtone, parallel, prime meridian, quality, rainy weather, roaring forties, sense, spirit, spiritual climate, stormy weather, subtropics, surroundings, the elements, the line, tone, tropic, tropics, undertone, weather, windiness, world view, zone
