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Cry (third-person singular simple present cries, present participle Crying, simple past and past participle cried)

  1. (intransitive) To shed tears; to weep.
  2. (ambitransitive) To shout, scream, yell.


Cry (plural cries)
  1. A shedding of tears.
  2. A shout or scream.
  3. Words shouted or screamed.
  4. (collectively) A group of hounds.

Adjectives for Cry

raucous; feeble; painful; melancholy; guttural; heartsick; cornered; shrill; sharp; solitary; importunate; hoarse; choking; satirical; earnest; furious; thrilling; unanimous; pathetic; protesting; strident; peevish; battle; human; broken; triumphant; warning; petulant; wailing; plaintive; bootless; simultaneous; responsive; similar; distinct; suppressed; avenging; defiant; boastful; inspiring; drunken; pitiful; long-drawn; careless; passionate; supreme; piercing; unending; desolate; discordant; vociferous; prayerful; exultant; half-suppressed; half-demoniac; funeral; answering; terrified; inharmonious; impious; aspiring; yapping; plausible; premature; inevitable; harsh; ugly; shivering; stifled; strangled; joyous; wild; unearthly; despairing; clamorous; sharp; hissing; death-dealing; maniacal; piteous; amazed; comfortable; weird; impassioned; startling rallying; unceasing; solitary; untenable delirious; admiring; wrathful; everlasting universal; prevailing; farthest-sounding shuddering; inarticulate; gurgling; long half-hysterical; loud; incoherent perpetual; distressing; wrenching; sobbing agonizing; brief; happy; smothered; full-mouthed; drawling; peculiar; fearful; fierce; ribald; far-resounding; odious; ineffable; continuous; mocking; supplicating; terrible; patriotic; noisy; dismal; expostulating; welcoming; ghastly; mutual; exulting; jubilant; ecstatic; joyful; delighted gladdening; naive; inspiriting; wistful stimulating; high; soft-noted; insistent clarion; squeaky; rasping; clangorous heart-chilling; babyish; heartbroken; dismayed; solemn; whimpering; breathless; stricken; important; frenzied; frantic; gulping; muffled; wanton; insulting; contemptuous; groaning; derisive; murder; fiendish; horror-stricken; anguished; spiteful; barbaric; sighing; yearning; low; ap pealing; hysterical; entreating; ominous involuntary; frightened; haunting; elfin sporting; familiar; asinine; wheezy; word¬less; destructive; fluttering; incessant; scattered; hurtling; penetrating; vibrating; soul-shaking; dolorous; mournful; provocative; revolutionary; multitudinous (plural).

Verbs for Cry

echo—; flee at—; force out—; give ear to—; hearken to—; heed—; let slip—; mock—; raise up—; repeat—; roar—; take up—; utter—; voice—; wring—from; —arouses; —awakens; —bursts forth; —disturbs; — fills; —jars; —resounds; —reverberates; —rises; —scares; —shatters; —wanes.

Adverbs for Cry

discordantly; querulously; reproachfully; jealously; hoarsely; earnestly; heartbrokenly; dishearteningly; flippantly; vehemently; enthusiastically; persistently; piteously; sternly; passionately; jovially; tempestuously; haughtily; indignantly; incoherently; irritably; energetically; contemptuously; exultantly; reprovingly; ringingly; gaily; disconsolately; unrestrainedly; tauntingly; feverishly; peremptorily; tantalizingly; falteringly; mirthfully; spontaneously; sympathetically; stormily; unanimously; petulantly; wailingly; drunkenly; passionately; piercingly; agonizingly; vociferously; jubilantly; ecstatically; inspiritingly; solemnly; spitefully; hysterically; involuntarily; ominously; wordlessly; incessantly; dolorously; yearningly; bitterly; inwardly.

Synonyms for Cry


Antonyms for Cry



plea, plug, prayer, press notice, press-agent, proclaim, promulgate, public eye, public knowledge, public relations, public report, publicity, publicity story, publicness, puff, pule, pushover, rage, rah, rallying cry, reclame, rend the air, report, roar, rumble, rumor, screak, scream, screech, scuttlebutt, shed tears, shibboleth, shout, shriek, sigh, slogan, sniff, snivel, sniveling, sob, sobbing, song, sorrow, split the throat, spotlight, squall, squawk, squeak, squeal, suit, supplication, talk, tear, tear bottle, teardrop, tearful eyes, tearfulness, tears, thunder, thunder forth, tirade, ton, town talk, trend, troat, trumpet, trumpet forth, ululate, ululation, unconfirmed report, vociferate, vogue, vogue word, wail, wail of woe, war cry, weep, weepiness, weeping, whicker, whimper, whimpering, whine, whinny, whisper, whoop, woodnote, write-up, yammer, yap, yawl, yawp, yell, yelp, yip, yippee, yowl, PR, adjuration, advertise, alleluia, animal noise, appeal, applaud, applause, ballyhoo, bark, barking, battle cry, bawl, bawling, bay, bell, bellow, bemoan, bewail, bid, birdcall, blare, blare forth, blat, blate, blaze, blaze abroad, blazon, blazon about, bleat, blubber, blubbering, blurb, boohoo, bray, break down, bright light, bruit, build up, burst into tears, buzz, byword, call, canard, catch phrase, catchword, caterwaul, caw, celebrate, celebrity, cheer, choke up, chorus of cheers, clamor, clang, cliche, common knowledge, common talk, craze, cry aloud, cry for joy, cry out, crying, currency, daylight, declaim, dissolve in tears, dolorous tirade, drop a tear, eclat, entreaty, exposure, fad word, fame, famousness, fit of crying, flood of tears, flying rumor, furore, give a cheer, give tongue, give voice, glare, good cry, gossip, grapevine, greet, groan, grunt, hail, hallelujah, halloo, hearsay, herald, herald abroad, holler, hollo, hoopla, hooray, hoot, hosanna, howl, howling, hue and cry, hurrah, hurray, huzzah, imploring, imprecation, invocation, jeremiad, keen, lament, latrine rumor, limelight, low, make an outcry, mating call, maximum dissemination, melting mood, meow, mew, mewl, miaow, moan, mode, moo, motto, mourn, murmur, mutter, neigh, news stirring, nicker, note, notoriety, outcry, overflowing eyes, paean, pet expression, pipe, plaint,
