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Irreversible (comparative more Irreversible, superlative most Irreversible)

  1. Incapable of being reversed or turned about or back; incapable of being made to run backward; as, an irreversible engine.
  2. Incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled; as, an irreversible sentence or decree.
  3. (thermodynamics) Incapable of being reversed to the original state without consumption of free energy and increase of entropy.


beyond recall, beyond remedy, changeless, chronic, confirmed, constant, cureless, deep-dyed, deep-fixed, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, deep-settled, direct, dyed-in-the-wool, established, fast, final, fixed, gone, immediate, immedicable, immutable, implanted, incommutable, inconvertible, incorrigible, inculcated, incurable, indefeasible, inert, infixed, ingrained, inoperable, instilled, insusceptible of change, intransmutable, invariable, inveterate, irreclaimable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irreformable, irremediable, irreparable, irretrievable, irrevocable, lasting, long-established, lost, noble, nonreturnable, nonreversible, one-way, past hope, past praying for, permanent, remediless, reverseless, rooted, ruined, set, settled, settled in habit, straight, straightaway, straightforward, straightway, terminal, thorough, unalterable, unalterative, unaltered, unbroken, unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, undeflectable, undeviating, undone, unidirectional, uninterrupted, unmitigable, unmodifiable, unrelievable, unremitting, unrestorable, unreturnable, unsalvable, unsalvageable, unsusceptible, unswerving, unvariable, unvarying
