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Monotony (plural monotonies)
  1. tedium as a result of repetition or a lack of variety
  2. (mathematics) the property of a monotonic function

Derived terms

Adjectives for Monotony

apparent; routine; unused; extreme; inescapable; desolate; endless; gray; maddening; studious; unvarying; fatiguing; deadening; dull; machine-like; unnatural; exasperating; inevitable; tedious; slumberous; loathsome; lazy; painful; hideous; dreary; dreadful; tiresome; wearisome; smooth; objectless.

Verbs for Monotony

allay—; beguile—; bewail—; curse—; de¬plore—; distract—; emerge from—; endure —; extinguish—; inflict with—; intensify—; object to—; overcome with—; relieve—; repose in—; sink into—; usher in—; while away—; yawn through—; —abates; — bores; —depresses; —drags; —threatens; —tires; —wearies.


AF, alliteration, assonance, audio frequency, boredom, broken record, ceaselessness, chime, clockwork regularity, consecutiveness, constancy, constant flow, continualness, continuity, continuousness, daily round, dingdong, drone, dryness, endlessness, ennui, equilibrium, even pace, even tenor, featurelessness, flatness, frequency, fullness, fundamental, fundamental tone, gaplessness, harmonic, harping, humdrum, incessancy, intonation, invariability, irk, irksomeness, jingle, jingle-jangle, jointlessness, monologue, monotone, monotonousness, near rhyme, orderliness, overtone, partial, partial tone, pitch, pitter-patter, plenitude, regularity, repeated sounds, repetitiousness, repetitiveness, rhyme, sameliness, sameness, seamlessness, singsong, slant rhyme, smoothness, stability, stale repetition, steadiness, steady state, successiveness, tedium, the beaten track, the daily round, the round, the squirrel cage, the treadmill, the weary round, tone, tonelessness, treadmill, trot, unbrokenness, undeviation, undifferentiation, uniformity, unintermittedness, uninterruptedness, uninterruption, unnecessary repetition, unrelievedness, unvariation, wearisome sameness


From the post-Classical Latin monotonia and its etymon the Koine Greek μονοτονία (monotonia, sameness of tone”, “monotony); compare the French monotonie and the Italian monotonia, as well as the later English monotone.



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