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Mount (plural Mounts)
  1. A mountain, as in Mount Everest
  2. An animal, usually a horse, used to ride on, unlike a draught horse
    The rider climbed onto his mount.
  3. The number of riders in a cavalry unit or division
    The General said he has 2,000 mounts.
  4. A mounting; an object on which another object is mounted, as the post is the mount on which the mailbox is installed


Mount (third-person singular simple present Mounts, present participle Mounting, simple past and past participle Mounted)

  1. To go up; climb; ascend: to mount stairs.
    The rider mounted his horse.
  2. To attach an object to a support, as to mount a mailbox on a post
  3. (computing) To attach a drive or device to the directory structure in order to make it available to the operating system.
  4. To get on top of an animal to mate.
  5. (slang) to have sexual intercourse with someone, something.
  6. To begin a military assault
    The General gave the order to mount the attack.
  7. (obsolete) To cause (something) to rise or ascend; to drive up; to raise; to elevate; to lift up.



Adjectives for Mount

lofty; sloping; tireless; mimic; apocalyptic; flame-fringed; spectacular.

Adverbs for Mount

reluctantly; magnificently; awkwardly; perpetually; gradually; rigidly; reluctantly; mechanically; reticently; stealthily; spectacularly.


Everest, Houyhnhnm, Olympus, accrue, accumulate, advance, aggravate, alp, amble, anabasis, appreciate, arise, arrange, arrangement, ascend, ascension, ascent, aspire, augment, back, back up, backdrop, background, backing, ball, balloon, be a gas, be a hit, be intimate, bearing, bestraddle, bestride, bidet, bill, bloat, board, bomb, boom, breed, broaden, brood mare, budge, build, build up, bushing, buss the clouds, canter, caracole, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, chandelle, change, change place, charger, chassis, circle, clamber, clamber up, climb, climb on, climb over, climb up, climbing, cohabit, colt, come together, come up, commit adultery, compose, coordinate, copulate, couple, courser, cover, crescendo, critter, curl upwards, curvet, deepen, descend, develop, diddle, dobbin, draft horse, dramatize, dray horse, driving horse, ebb, elevation, enhance, enlarge, entire, entire horse, equine, escalade, escalate, expand, fail, feature, fill horse, filler, filly, flop, flow, fly up, foal, fornicate, fountain, frame, frig, frisk, gain, gain altitude, gain strength, gallop, gelding, get ahead, get in, get on, get over, gigster, give a boost, give a lift, go, go aboard, go around, go on board, go on horseback, go round, go sideways, go up, grow, grow up, gush, gyrate, gyring up, hack, hackney, have sex, have sexual relations, headline, heighten, help up, hoick, hop in, horse, hump, hunter, increase, infrastructure, install, intensify, jet, jument, jump, jump in, launch, lay, lead, leader, leap, levitate, levitation, lie with, lift, lofty mountains, loom, lope, magnify, make a hit, make it with, make love, make out, mare, mat, mate, melodramatize, mountain, mounting, move, move over, multiply, nag, open, open a show, organize, pace, pack horse, palfrey, peak, piaffe, pile in, pile up, plow horse, plunge, pole horse, polo pony, post-horse, prance, prancer, premiere, prepare, present, preview, produce, progress, proliferate, put in place, put on, ramp, ready, rear, rear up, redouble, regress, remount, retrogress, ride bareback, ride hard, rider, riding horse, rise, rise up, rising, road horse, roadster, rocketing up, rotate, rouncy, rouse, run, run up, saddle horse, saddler, saltation, scale, scale the heights, scenarize, scene, scrabble up, scramble up, screw, seat, serve, service, set, set in motion, set off, set the stage, set up, setting, settle, shaft horse, shift, shin, shin up, shinny, shoot up, shooting up, show, sink, skeleton, sleep with, snowball, soar, soaring, spin, spiral, spire, spout, spread, spring, spurt, stage, stalking-horse, stallion, stand on tiptoe, stand up, star, steed, stir, straddle, stream, strengthen, struggle up, stud, studhorse, subside, succeed, sumpter, sumpter horse, support, surge, surmount, swarm up, sweep up, swell, take horse, takeoff, taking off, tarpan, the wooded mountains, theatricalize, thill horse, thiller, tittup, top horse, tor, tower, towering alps, travel, trot, try out, underframe, up, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrow, upgrowth, upheave, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprear, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upsurgence, upswarm, upsweep, upswing, upwind, vault, vise, wane, war-horse, wax, wheeler, wheelhorse, whirl, widen, wild horse, workhorse, zoom, zooming


Etymology 1

From Middle English < Old English munt < Latin mons (a hill, mountain); from a root seen also in eminere (to put out).

Etymology 2

From Middle English mounten < Anglo-Norman mounter < Old French monter < Medieval Latin montare (to mount; literally, go up hill) < Latin mons (a hill, mountain); compare French monter.




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