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Solemn (comparative more Solemn, superlative most Solemn)

  1. Deeply serious and somber.
  2. Somberly impressive.
  3. Performed with great ceremony.
  4. Sacred.
  5. Gloomy or sombre.

Derived terms

Adverbs for Solemn

unduly; curiously; ceremoniously; sacredly; piously; religiously; devoutly; reverentially; fervently; ritualistically; judicially; sternly; austerely; ponderously; gravely; seriously; alarmingly; forbiddingly; unnecessarily; ominously; portentously; depress-ingly; impressively; magnificently; extraordinarily; gravely; grimly; ridiculously; absurdly; ludicrously; unreasonably; occasionally; unexpectedly; unusually; curiously; strangely; reverently; uncommonly.


Christian, Christianlike, Christianly, admiring, adorant, adoring, apotheosizing, arid, aristocratic, august, awe-inspiring, awed, awesome, awestricken, awestruck, barren, believing, black, blah, blank, bleak, bloated, bloodless, bombastic, celebrating, celebrative, ceremonial, ceremonious, characterless, cold, colorless, commemorating, commemorative, conventional, courtly, cultish, cultist, cultistic, dark, dead, decorous, deifying, demure, devoted, devotional, devout, dignified, dismal, divine, draggy, drear, drearisome, dreary, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, dutiful, earnest, ecclesiastical, effete, elephantine, elevated, empty, etiolated, fade, faithful, fatal, fateful, flat, flatulent, formal, formidable, frowning, full, funebrial, funereal, gassy, gloomy, glum, grand, grandiloquent, grave, gray, grim, grim-faced, grim-visaged, hallowed, heavy, hero-worshiping, hieratic, ho-hum, hollow, holy, idolatrous, idolizing, imploring, important, imposing, impressive, in awe, in the dust, inane, inexcitable, inflated, insipid, inspiring, jejune, kingly, leaden, lifeless, liturgic, liturgical, lofty, long-faced, lordly, low-spirited, magisterial, magnificent, majestic, memorial, mirthless, moderate, momentous, morbid, morose, moving, no-nonsense, noble, on bended knee, ostentatious, overwhelming, pale, pallid, pedestrian, pietistic, pious, plenary, plodding, pointless, poky, pompous, ponderous, pontifical, portentous, prayerful, precative, precatory, princely, prostrate before, queenly, regal, religious, reserved, reverent, reverential, ritual, ritualistic, royal, sacerdotal, sacramental, sacred, saturnine, sedate, self-important, serious, slow, sober, sober-minded, sobersided, somber, sombrous, spiritless, staid, stately, statuesque, sterile, stiff, stilted, stodgy, stone-faced, straight-faced, stuffy, sublime, superficial, suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory, swollen, taciturn, tasteless, tedious, temperate, theistic, thoughtful, triste, tumid, turgid, unlively, unsmiling, vapid, venerable, venerational, venerative, weariful, wearisome, weary, weighty, well-mannered, wooden, worshipful, worshiping, worthy


From Middle English solemne, from Old French solempne, from Late Latin sōlennis and sōlempnis, from Latin sōlemnis, from sollemnis (ritual; festive, solemn, customary, celebrated at a fixed date), from sollus (entire).



The translations below need to be checked.





  1. solemn, grave, serious
  2. impressive, exalted
  3. festive, celebratory


From Latin sollemnis.
