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Verse (plural Verses)
  1. A poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme.
    Restoration literature is well known for its carefully constructed verse.
  2. Poetic form in general.
    The restrictions of verse have been steadily relaxed over time.
  3. One of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed.
    Note the shift in tone between the first verse and the second.
  4. (fandom slang) A specific fictional universe.


Verse (third-person singular simple present verses, present participle versing, simple past and past participle versed)

  1. To educate about, to teach about.
    He versed us in the finer points of category theory.


Verse (third-person singular simple present verses, present participle versing, simple past and past participle versed)

  1. To face someone in some kind of game, duel, or battle

Adjectives for Verse

unpremeditated; mature; evocative; ironic; abominable; flower-sweet; golden; deathless; luxurious; dramatic; magnificent; prosaic; little; magnanimous; well-cadenced; jolly; metaphysical; immortal; marvellous; graceful; introspective; devotional; macaronic; malicious; supererogatory; graceful; slumberous; polished; society; various (pi); measured; heroic; flattering; homely; blank; realistic; faultless; exquisite; sonorous; caustic; singable; sanguinary; halting; rustic; numerous (pi); neglected; faltering; patriotic; poetic; fascinating; goodly; doggerel; trashy; matchless; piercing; common; undistinguished; musical; balanced; classical; mournful; distinctive; satiric; quill-writ; soothing; galloping; insulting; delicate; melodious; non-dramatic; sorrowful; alliterative; inspired; tolerable; ennobling; clever; octosyllabic; circulated; mechanical; commonplace; comic; unfinished; coarse; outstanding; ridiculous; assonanced; occasional.

Verbs for Verse

bawl—; carol—; compose—; dash off—; declaim—; divide into—s; enumerate—s; inscribe—on; improvise—; measure—; memorize—; peruse—; polish—; quote—; render —; scan—; scrawl—; sing—; —delights; —effloresces; —eulogizes; —proclaims; — rhymes; —sings of.


English sonnet, Horatian ode, Italian sonnet, Petrarchan sonnet, Pindaric ode, Sapphic ode, Shakespearean sonnet, Spenserian stanza, acquaint, adage, advertise, advertise of, advise, alba, ana, anacreontic, anacrusis, analects, antistrophe, aphorism, apothegm, apprise, article, avant-propos, axiom, back matter, balada, ballad, ballade, bass passage, book, bourdon, breakthrough, bridge, brief, bring word, bucolic, burden, byword, cadence, canso, canto, catchword, chanson, chapter, chorus, clause, clerihew, climb Parnassus, coda, collected sayings, column, communicate, compose poetry, couplet, current saying, development, dictate, dictum, dirge, disclose, distich, dithyramb, division, eclogue, elegize, elegy, enlighten, envoi, epic, epigram, epithalamium, epode, epopee, epopoeia, epos, exordium, exposition, expression, familiarize, fascicle, figure, folderol, folio, foreword, front matter, frontispiece, gathering, georgic, ghazel, give notice, give the facts, give word, gnome, golden saying, haiku, harmonic close, heptastich, hexastich, idyll, inform, innovation, installment, instruct, interlude, intermezzo, introduction, introductory phrase, jingle, lay, leap, leave word, let know, limerick, line, lisp in numbers, livraison, lyric, madrigal, make immortal verse, maxim, measure, mention to, monody, monostich, moral, mot, motto, mount Pegasus, movement, musical phrase, musical sentence, musical thought, narrative poem, notify, number, nursery rhyme, octastich, octave, octet, ode, oracle, ornament, ottava rima, overture, page, palinode, paragraph, part, passage, pastoral, pastoral elegy, pastorela, pastourelle, pentastich, period, phrase, pithy saying, poem, poesy, poetize, poetry, postulate, preamble, precept, preface, prefix, prefixture, preliminary, prelude, premise, prescript, presupposition, proem, prolegomena, prolegomenon, prolepsis, prologue, protasis, prothalamium, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, quatrain, refrain, report, resolution, response, rhyme, rhyme royal, ritornello, rondeau, rondel, roundel, roundelay, rune, satire, saw, saying, section, send word, sentence, sententious expression, septet, serial, serve notice, sestet, sestina, sextet, sheet, signature, sing, sing deathless songs, sloka, song, sonnet, sonnet sequence, speak, stanza, statement, stave, stock saying, strain, strophe, sutra, syllable, tailpiece, tanka, teaching, tell, tenso, tenzone, tercet, terza rima, tetrastich, text, the supreme fiction, threnody, triolet, triplet, tristich, troubadour poem, tutti, tutti passage, variation, verselet, versicle, versify, villanelle, virelay, volume, voluntary, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, word, words of wisdom, write poetry


Etymology 1

Partly from Old English vers; partly < Old French vers; both < Latin versus (a line in writing, and in poetry a verse; (originally) row, furrow) < vertō (to turn around).

Etymology 2

Etymology 3

Corruption of versus, from Latin versus (against, turned), past participle of vertere (to turn, change, overthrow, destroy).



Derived terms

Related terms

External links





  1. The inflected formFAQ of vers.</span>





  1. first-person singular present indicative of verser
  2. third-person singular present indicative of verser
  3. first-person singular present subjunctive of verser
  4. third-person singular present subjunctive of verser
  5. second-person singular imperative of verser





  1. vocative masculine singular of versus



Verse (first-person singular present me veo, first-person singular preterite me vi, past participle visto)

  1. to meet; to see one another


Related terms


Verse (infinitive versar)

  1. Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form of versar.
  2. First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form of versar.
  3. Formal second-person singular (usted) present subjunctive form of versar.
  4. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present subjunctive form of versar.