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Vision (countable and uncountable; plural Visions)
  1. (uncountable) The sense or ability of sight.
  2. (countable) Something imaginary one thinks one sees.
  3. (countable) An ideal or a goal toward which one aspires.
  4. (countable) A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.
  5. (countable) A person or thing of extraordinary beauty.


Vision (third-person singular simple present Visions, present participle Visioning, simple past and past participle Visioned)

  1. (transitive) To imagine something as if it were to be true.

Verbs for Vision

  • (eyesight) stigmatize—; augment—; blur—; cloud—; conserve—; correct—; dazzle—; deprive of—; dim—; distort—; dull—; eclipse—; focus—upon; impair—; measure—; obscure—; obstruct—; preserve—; quicken—; ravage—; refract—; scathe—; screen—; sharpen—; shield from—; value—; veil—; warp—;

Adjectives for Vision

  • (general) sudden; frightful; telescopic; sun-compelling; moral; transitory; tender; ravishing; foregone; delightful; alleged; vivid; specialized; remarkable; appointed; angelic; sweet; light; radiant; rectified; fresh; stunted; mental; early; concentrated; failing; gloomy; spiritual; horrible; calm; relentless; prophetic; useful; disturbing; embodied; unremembered; anxious; uncertain,' harassing; artless; dying; frightful; dreadful; singular; ecstatic; tranced; charmed skyey; world; unforgettable; transcendent myopic; subjective; halting; transient; dim fatal; chill; airy; baseless; blissful; narrating; painful; unreal; troubled; mysterious; culminating; morning; earthly; infinite; subtle; alluring; enchanted; unsubstantial; heavenly; saintly; rapturous; entrancing; hawk-like; glorious; cosmic; aesthetic; imaginary; extended; inspiring; subsequent; importunate; cold; confused; delirious; paradisical; impaired; encompassed; tranquil; ominous; pleasing; beautiful; long-promised; discriminating; beatific; downcast; obscure; lucid; hallowed; intellectual; unaided; creative; crystal; cradled; mental; clear; midday; pious; unclouded; overwhelming; singular; bored; sweet; rare; yearning; everlasting; earth-dimmed; defective; philosophical; vague; sun; window; fruitless; far-seeing; apocalyptic.

Verbs for Vision

  • (imagination) blur—; cherish—; conjure up—; fire by—; flirt with—; fulfill—; resolve—; reveal—; shake off—; train on—; —appears; — arises; —dances; —dawns upon; —dazes; —departs; —fascinates; —flashes before; — flees; —flits; —foretells; —haunts; —materializes ; —prophesies.

Synonyms for Vision


conceive, concept, conception, conceptualization, conning, control, daydream, deceiving, deception, deceptiveness, defrauding, delirium, delusion, delusiveness, departed spirit, disembodied spirit, dream, dupery, duppy, dybbuk, eidetic image, eidolon, enmeshment, ensnarement, entanglement, entrapment, envisage, envisaging, envision, envisioning, epitome, eye, eyeful, eyesight, fallaciousness, fallacy, false image, falseness, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, feature, fiction, figment, figure, flimflam, flimflammery, fond illusion, fooling, foresight, foresightedness, form, ghost, grateful dead, guide, hallucination, hant, haunt, hoodwinking, idea, idle fancy, idolum, illusion, image, imagery, imagery study, imagination, imagine, imaging, imagining, imagism, imagistic poetry, immateriality, incorporeal, incorporeal being, incorporeity, incubus, insight, insubstantial image, invention, kidding, larva, lemures, lifelike image, maggot, make-believe, manes, materialization, mental image, mental picture, mental representation, mirage, muse, myth, nightmare, objectification, oni, oracle, outwitting, overreaching, perception, perspective, phantasm, phantasma, phantasmagoria, phantom, phasm, phenomenon, picture, picturing, pipe dream, plan, poem, poetic imagery, poltergeist, presence, prophecy, putting on, realize, revenant, reverie, romance, scheme, seeing, self-deception, shade, shadow, shape, shrouded spirit, sick fancy, sight, snow job, song and dance, specter, spectral ghost, spirit, spoofery, spoofing, spook, sprite, subterfuge, swindling, theophany, thick-coming fancies, thing of beauty, trickiness, tricking, trip, understanding, unsubstantiality, vapor, victimization, view, visual image, visualization, visualize, waking dream, walking dead man, wandering soul, whim, whimsy, wildest dream, wildest dreams, willful misconception, wishful thinking, word-painting, wraith,apparition, appearance, astral, astral spirit, bad dream, bamboozlement, banshee, befooling, bluffing, brainchild, brown study, bubble, calculated deception, chimera, circumvention,
