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Manifestation (plural Manifestations)
  1. The act or process of becoming manifest.
    The last known manifestation of the ghost was over ten years ago.
  2. The embodiment of an intangible, or variable thing.
    This particular manifestation resembled a young girl crying.
  3. (medicine) The symptoms or observable conditions which are seen as a result of some disease.

Adjectives for Manifestation

incipient; exaggerated; contemporaneous; external; remarkable; terrestrial; temporary; visible; startling; conspicuous; moderate; astounding; fiery; impolitic; practical; imperial; special; whimsical; extraordinary; outward; historical; tawdry; distinct; decrepit; amplified; direct; recorded; morbid; external; troublesome; extravagant; physical.

Verbs for Manifestation

discourage—; overshadow—; ponder—; render—; suppress—; —alludes to; —attests; —bears out; —conveys; —discloses; —evidences; —expresses; —implies; —indicates; —proves; —purports; —reveals; — signifies; —suggests; —symbolizes.


announcement, apocalypse, apparition, appearance, appearing, arising, avatar, avowal, baring, basis for belief, blazon, body of evidence, bravura, brilliancy, chain of evidence, characterization, clue, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, daring, dash, data, datum, declaration, demonstration, denomination, denotation, designation, differentiation, discernibleness, disclosing, disclosure, discovering, discovery, display, documentation, dramatics, eclat, emergence, epiphany, etalage, evidence, example, exhibit, exhibition, exhibitionism, expose, exposition, exposure, expression, fact, facts, false front, fanfaronade, figure, fingering, flair, flaunt, flaunting, flourish, forthcoming, grounds, grounds for belief, hint, histrionics, identification, incarnation, indication, indicativeness, instance, issuance, item of evidence, laying bare, mark, material grounds, materialization, materializing, meaning, muniments, mute witness, naming, observability, occurrence, opening, outcrop, outcropping, pageant, pageantry, parade, patefaction, perceptibility, picking out, piece of evidence, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, premises, presentation, proof, publication, realization, reason to believe, relevant fact, removing the veil, revealing, revealment, revelation, rise, rising, seeableness, selection, sham, show, showing, showing forth, showing up, showing-off, showup, sign, signification, specification, spectacle, splash, splurge, staginess, stripping, suggestion, symptom, symptomaticness, the seen, the visible, theatrics, theophany, token, uncloaking, uncovering, unfolding, unfoldment, unmasking, unveiling, unwrapping, vaunt, visibility, visibleness, visuality, what is revealed


  • Rhymes: -eɪʃən




Manifestation f. (plural Manifestations)

  1. protest, demonstration
  2. expression
  3. assembly, gathering (of people for an event)


  • IPA: /ɛs.ta.sjɔ̃/, SAMPA: /

Related terms



Manifestation c.

  1. manifestation
