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Opening (plural Openings)
  1. A hole; a gap; a crevice.
    A salamander darted out of an opening in the rocks.
    He slipped through an opening in the crowd.
  2. (chess) The first few moves in a game of chess.
    John spends two hours a day studying openings, and another two hours studying endgames.
  3. An unoccupied employment position.
    We have an opening in our marketing department.
  4. The first performance of a show or play by a particular troupe.
    They were disappointed at the turnout for their opening, but hoped that word would spread.
  5. The initial period a show at an art gallery or museum is first opened, especially the first evening.
  6. The first few measures of a musical composition.
  7. A time available for an appointment.
    If you'd like to make a booking with us, we have an opening at twelve o'clock.
  8. (sports) A chance to make progress in a game, for example to score a goal.
    • 2010 Sam Sheringham Liverpool 0 - 1 Wolverhampton
    The Reds carved the first opening of the second period as Glen Johnson's pull-back found David Ngog but the Frenchman hooked wide from six yards.


Coordinate terms

Derived terms



  1. Present participle of open.


Opening (comparative more Opening, superlative most Opening)

  1. (cricket) describing the first period of play, usually up to the fall of the first wicket; describing a batsman who opens the innings or a bowler who opens the attack

[[Category:{{{{{1}}}|l=}} terms needing attention|Opening]]

Adjectives for Opening

portentous; moderate; auspicious; friendly arched; chiseled; ambitious; proffered numerous (pi); advantageous; premature crescent; smaller; high-placed; symmetrical.

Verbs for Opening

await—; desire—; enter—; intersperse with —s; miss—; neglect—; observe—; present —; scuttle through—; seize—; seek—; spurn —; widen into—; —affords; —discloses; — narrows; —offers; —promises; —reveals.


a leg up, abysm, abyss, access, adit, air lock, aisle, alley, alpha, ambulatory, aperture, apparition, appearance, appearing, appointment, approach, arcade, arising, arroyo, artery, avatar, avenue, bareness, barrenness, beginning, berth, billet, birth, blankness, blast-off, bleakness, blowhole, box canyon, breach, break, canyon, cavity, chance, channel, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chute, clear stage, cleft, cleuch, cloister, clough, col, colonnade, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, commencement, communication, conduit, connection, corridor, coulee, couloir, covered way, crack, cranny, creation, crevasse, crevice, cut, cutting edge, cwm, dawn, dawning, debouch, debut, defile, dell, demonstration, desertedness, desolateness, dike, disclosure, discontinuity, display, ditch, donga, door, draw, edge, egress, emergence, employment, emptiness, emunctory, enactment, engagement, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, epiphany, escape, establishment, estuary, excavation, exhaust, exhibit, exhibition, exit, exposition, exposure, fair field, fair game, fault, ferry, fissure, flaw, floodgate, flume, flying start, foothold, ford, forthcoming, foundation, fracture, fresh start, furrow, gallery, gangplank, gangway, gap, gape, gash, gig, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hall, hole, hollowness, in, inanition, inauguration, incarnation, incision, incumbency, ingress, initiation, inlet, institution, intake, interchange, intersection, issuance, job, joint, jump-off, junction, kick-off, kloof, lane, launch, leading edge, leak, liberty, look-in, loophole, manifestation, materialization, materializing, means of access, moat, moonlighting, new departure, noninhabitance, nonoccupance, nonoccupancy, nonresidence, notch, nullah, occasion, occurrence, office, oncoming, onset, open arms, open door, opportunism, opportunity, orifice, origin, origination, ostentation, out, outbreak, outcome, outfall, outgate, outgo, outlet, outset, outstart, overpass, pass, passage, passageway, performance, pit, place, place open, pore, port, portico, position, post, presentation, presentment, production, projection, railroad tunnel, ravine, realization, rent, representation, retrospective, revelation, rift, rime, rise, rising, room, running start, rupture, sally port, scissure, scope, seam, second job, send-off, separation, service, setout, setting in motion, setting-up, shot, show, showing, showing forth, situation, slit, slot, sluice, spiracle, split, spout, square one, squeak, start, start-off, starting point, station, stepping-stone, take-off, tap, tenure, theophany, time, traject, trajet, trench, tunnel, underpass, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, vacancy, vacant post, vacuity, valley, varnishing day, vent, ventage, venthole, vernissage, vestibule, void, voidness, vomitory, wadi, way, way in, way out, weir




The translations below need to be checked.



Opening f. (plural openingen, diminutive openinkje, diminutive plural openinkjes)

  1. opening, gap
  2. the act or process of being opened


From openen.