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Persecution (uncountable)
  1. The act of persecuting.
  2. A program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people, often based on race, religion, sexuality, or social beliefs.

Verbs for Persecution

bewail—; criticize—; fear—; inflict—; in¬tensify—; intimidate by—; resist—; single out for—; subject to—; suffer—; temper—; —aggrieves; —dispirits; —grinds; —harasses; —haunts; —pains; —offends; —oppresses; —outrages; —tramples; —weighs.


McCarthyism, abuse, affliction, aggravation, annoyance, bad news, bedevilment, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness, bullying, clawing, crashing bore, cruciation, crucifixion, devilment, difficulty, dogging, downer, drag, exasperation, harassing, harassment, harrying, headache, hectoring, hell, hell upon earth, holocaust, horror, hounding, ill-treatment, irritation, laceration, lancination, maltreatment, martyrdom, molestation, nightmare, nuisance, oppression, outrage, passion, pest, problem, punishment, purgatory, rack, red-baiting, subjugation, suppression, torment, tormenting, torture, trial, trouble, tyranny, vexation, vexatiousness, victimization, witch-hunt, witch-hunting, worriment, worry


From Late Latin persecūtio (chase, pursuit) < Latin persequor (follow up, pursue) < per- (through) +‎ sequor (follow).

