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Laceration (plural Lacerations)
  1. An irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue.
    The doctor sewed up the laceration in his arm.

Verbs for Laceration

incur—; inflict—; occasion—; soothe—; sterilize—; stitch—; suture—; tourniquet—; —appals; —bares the bone; —distresses; — heals; —horrifies; —inflames; —pains; — scars; —shocks; —throbs; —tortures.


abrasion, abscission, amputation, blemish, break, burn, butchering, chafe, check, chip, chopping, clawing, cleavage, concussion, crack, crackle, craze, cruciation, crucifixion, cut, cutting, dichotomy, enucleation, excision, fission, flash burn, fracture, fray, frazzle, gall, gash, hell, hell upon earth, holocaust, horror, hurt, incision, injury, lancination, lesion, martyrdom, mortal wound, mutilation, nightmare, passion, persecution, puncture, purgatory, rack, rending, rent, resection, rip, ripping, run, rupture, scald, scission, scorch, scrape, scratch, scuff, second-degree burn, section, severance, slash, slashing, slicing, sore, splitting, stab, stab wound, surgery, tear, tearing, third-degree burn, torment, torture, trauma, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench


  • Rhymes: -eɪʃən


Related terms
